Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Bluestone »

"Episode 4: The Bluestone Muses (Part 4: Petra - (Up Close and Personal) - Section 1: The Petra Papers"
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Well, I guess I was in the midst of my mid-life crisis, and enjoying it immensely. No, I didn't leave my lovely wife, my kids grew into adulthood as well-adjusted and "normal", but I was also managing to pursue my creative interests and enjoying my quirky fetish with others who accepted me despite my warts and blemishes. I had a balanced life, finding time to jet off to shoots or arrange day shoots with Jessica, Meredith, Charlene, and my ever growing gorgeous cast of models/actresses. Finally, I started to fly Suzi and Velvets to me for a few days, and put them up in a local hotel while I went home at night, coming back the following days to shoot with them in their hotel rooms.

Then, something truly amazing happened. Well, it started with an email exchange with the new owner of Annabelle's Fantasy (AF). I had ordered 4 Petra customs from AF, but It was a dark time for our community in the UK since a law had been passed that many thought threatened our industry there. This was compounded by newspaper articles that exposed AF and some of its models to harassment. In order to help out a fellow producer, I supplied them with some free content. While they were still producing, I proposed taking only the raw footage from my 4 Petra customs when they were shot, edit and release them on my site, and provide them to AF to post on their site. Unfortunately, this never took place, because their production crew would not work for AF under the circumstances of the times.

I next proposed that I film with Petra, and supply AF with the resulting videos, provided Petra agreed. So, Big John selflessly provided Petra's personal email address to me to see what I could accomplish.

Well, this was certainly a daunting opportunity. If I blew it, I'd never forgive myself! I had convinced Suzi to film with me, but it was initially in her home town with a bodyguard. How was I going to convince Blonde Goddess Petra, who lived in the UK, to fly across the ocean to film videos with a total stranger, especially since the video was her repeatedly being killed in various scenarios? I was also told that Petra was semi-retired from modeling and was moving to Spain. Talk about a tall order!

How did I do it? Well, here's the slightly redacted email that I sent to her:

"Hi Petra,

I got your contact information from (deleted real name) at Annabelle's. As you know, they are encountering quite a bit of bad press in the U.K. and have shut down productions there. I am a producer of similar material in North America with production facilities both in Toronto, Canada and New York, N.Y. I am providing some of my productions to AF in order to keep them afloat during these hard times. In the past, I ordered customs from, and had a good working relationship with, ( Dlister's real name deleted), under my Internet name of 'Bluestone'.

Before I get to my proposal, I just want to personally thank you for all of the enjoyment that you have provided me with over the last 6-7 years at AF. You are a beautiful young lady and an exceptional actress. Despite the fact that English is not your first language, the use of your expressive face and excellent body language more than compensates. You are the reason that I am in this crazy business. I ordered a custom from (delete Dlister's real name) of you being strangled into unconsciousness in a hotel room, then being shot when you revived. I entitled it "Slain in Silk", but he posted it under the title "Silk". That was about 3 years ago. I now have a site boasting about 75 videos. All of them are similar types of videos, but I always stress beautiful, classy actresses in your mold, and we have so much fun filming these video vignettes. I have developed a great cast of very special people, and we treat our creative work as a labour of love. So, whether you consider my proposal or not, I just wanted to let you know that your work has really been appreciated over the years by many many people, and I am personally very thankful to you for the inspiration that you have provided for my ever-expanding film business.

So, my proposal is as follows:

1. I know you're in semi-retirement, but I'd really like to film with you. If you agree, I would post the videos on my site, but also provide the videos to (delete real name) to help with AF's survival. My store is located at: You will notice that 'Slain in Silk' is Episode #1 in the 'Silk 'N Blood' series;

2. I would fly you and an escort either to NY or Toronto for a week or so, and put you up in a 5 star hotel. I would set aside time for you to sightsee, i.e. 5 days filming, 2 days sightseeing. Of course, we'd have to discuss your rates, etc.;

3. Since you don't know me from Adam, I can put you in touch with Suzi, my #1 site actress who is also a model and actress in many independent mainstream films and is well-known in the States as well as Italy. If you're at all interested, I can give you her site address, and she would also be agreeable to talking to you on the phone to assure you of my good character. We have filmed together for over two years, occasionally on a one-on-one basis;

4. If you'd rather film in Spain, I would consider flying a crew over there, but there would be more costs and challenges with filming there as opposed to flying you over here.

So, those are the major elements of my proposal. If you're at all interested, I certainly don't expect a commitment. Simply let me know what your questions and/or concerns would be and I'll address them. I will also provide you with any other details of my site, including sample videos, if you wish, so that you can gauge the production values. If, on the other hand, you are not interested in pursuing the proposal at all, please simply let me know. It certainly will not affect the appreciation that I have for you and your past work, but at least I'll know that you received and considered my proposal.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours very truly,

(real name deleted) (Bluestone)
Bluestone Video Productions"

Here was Petra's answer 3 days later...

thank you for your interesting and also very nice email. Iam actually not really working anymore and only travel for big shoots like into germany or france..Paris or Italy and so on ...when i work i make sure i only choose now what i really want to do and make sure that i get booking for minimum 3 days when abroad also just to make sure it is worthy when i travel to work example ...i went to Jamaica ...i have to have minimum shoot for 5 days and rates go up...i explain
when i use to live in uk i could be booked for 1 day or ven 2 houres no problem at basic rates £(rates deleted to protect Petra's privacy) an hour.... or something like £(rates deleted) for 7 houres ..which is a day.... now when i go to europe , i travel to paris i have 3 days and pay in euros and i get (rates deleted) euro for the day each day...that cover me being abroad and not going home in the evening like normal people would go...or covers also the fact that i cant get no other work later in that day so when i went to jamaica for work ...normal website work i go (rates deleted) euro a day again to cover the fact that iam so far and cant do no else than work and stay in hotel.... but most websites look at it as good as they book me and get a lot of material from me and have it for long time and for me it is good as i earn good money...and i talk money as that is what i do of course for living so the answer is ..yes i would consider the 5 or 7 days if the offer was good let me know what your thoughts are on total fees and so on ...just so we can agree and that and houres of work and so on before we plan more now since i dont work that much nomore ..for safety i normally bring my boyfried who pays for his flight but the company normally pays for my hotel to be able to host 2 people in room if he will come and stay...sometimes he comes just for fe days to make sure all is ok but i understand if you say that you are not happy with it..... i hope that my email will not in any way upset you and hopefully we could come to some agreement i reallly look forward to hear from you

Our email negotiations continued, we agreed on a day rate, and she agreed to come to Toronto without an escort and did not need to contact Suzi for a reference. She was convinced by the professionalism of my emails that I was legit.

As I learned later, Petra had decided not to film with AF's new crew. She advised me later that she only kept filming for AF because of her friendship with the company's originators, Annabelle and Dlister. When I asked her if it was okay to send her material to AF to post on their site as well as on my own, she told me that she could not consent, because she did not want to become harassed by the UK press and the public like several of the AF models who had been black-listed by their agencies for their involvement in our industry. I did understand, so I reluctantly agreed to only post the results of our filming sessions on my sites.

Well, that concludes the "Petra Papers" portion of "Petra: Up Close and Personal". Tune in again as I next relate my first meeting with the Blonde Goddess in "Petra (Up Close and Personal) Section 2: Petra in the Flesh and Blood!"
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Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Xukpi »

Thanks for providing us the behind-the-scenes episodes of your first meeting with the great Petra !
It is comforting to remind such professionnal behavior and kindness from workers immersed in a day-to-day business life, like many workers, after all, and a good podcast to deal with it!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Bluestone »

"Episode 4: The Bluestone Muses (Part 4: Petra - (Up Close and Personal) - Section 2: Petra in the Flesh and Blood!"

Well, Petra and I had come to terms as to rate and length of the shoot, so we fixed the dates in May 2008, and I set about to try to offset some of the costs of this very expensive endeavor. First, I announced that I was accepting Petra custom offers, and they came flooding in. They were not enough to cover more than a fraction of the cost, but this was the chance of a lifetime to shoot with the woman who I'd admired from afar for so long. I had to take the financial hit and hope that the footage would over time defray the large cash outlay to make this shoot happen.

So, I got to work perfecting the custom scripts and writing my own. I also went shopping on-line at Frederick's of Hollywood which had a huge selection of sexy clothes. I ran several past Petra by email, and she liked them all, saying, "Better not send me too many choices. I'll want them all!". So, I got them all and then added some more. Petra's wardrobe was set, and when the other arrangements had been finalized, I waited impatiently for the day, and soon found myself checking into the hotel, having reserved a one bedroom suite for the blonde goddess, then headed off to the airport to wait for her flight to arrive.

It was while I was waiting for her flight to arrive that I started to worry that my image of Goddess Petra would soon be shattered by meeting the real live woman. I mean, who could come close to the idolized perfect image in my mind that I had fantasized about for about 7 years. I had been lucky so far, and worked with wonderful models such as Jessica, Suzi, Meredith and Charlene, but there had also been others. Many models and actresses are very full of themselves, acting like divas on set, being bitchy in real life, and even walking off the set, which only happened to me once, but was hard to forget, especially when I had paid that model for a full day up front and before noon she feigned sickness and said she had to leave. What if the next 6 shoot days turned out to be a negative experience, instead of the positive one that I had visualized?

As I was musing about the real Petra being a pale image of the celluloid one, an email arrived on my Blackberry advising that she had touched down and was in line to clear customs. A second doubt entered my mind. I had also seen some models without their makeup and dressed in normal clothes, often unflattering. Would I even be able to recognize the real woman behind the Playboy image?

Well, when she exited the arrival area, she was unmistakable. She rocked her regular clothes, standing out as the prettiest girl in the crowd, blonde hair flowing freely. I went over to introduce myself, and she was pleasant, welcoming and as beautiful as she was on screen. I took her luggage in tow and walked with her towards the parking garage, talking about her flight and the hard time that customs guys always gave her. Soon we were driving to the hotel, and I found myself very comfortable in her presence, just as she seemed to be in mine.
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Well, my fears were quickly set to rest. Off set, Petra was very down to earth, and also revealed an intelligence and quick wit that didn't come across in her stilted dialogue and roles in many of her previous videos. When we started filming the next morning, I understood why Big John of AF had referred to Petra as the gold standard. She believed in working hard to ensure that her employers received good value for their money. I had scheduled 4 video scenarios a day for the 5.5 day shoot, but with previous shoots, sometimes we ran out of time and failed to shoot some of the videos. With Petra, we shot everything, and seldom had to even go over time to do so. So, in the end, I ended up with 22 videos, which I would edit and release over the following several years.

The first shoot day, I booked Meredith to shoot with Petra, which helped to put her at ease, since Meredith is such a fun loving free spirit. The second day, it was Jessica's turn to play Petra's killer, and finally, on Day 3, I had a male actor play the killer. Other cast members joined in on other days, including Kerie who was also a very special Bluestone actress. Day 6, however, was my favourite day of all, even though it was only a half day, because for the first time it was only Petra and I on set, doing 2 scenarios, an electrocution and a strangle. I finally got my hands around that lovely neck of hers in an office that I had rented for half a day. We were not only all alone in the office, but since it was a holiday, the entire office building was deserted. No one would have heard her screams, if I had decided to really kill her... but why would I do that??!!

Petra was my favourite muse in film, rivaling my love affair with Marilyn Monroe, and in person she became much, much more. Like Marilyn, she oozed sex appeal, not only on camera, but always. She memorized her scripts the night before the shoot, and came prepared, unlike many models who had to constantly be fed their lines. Plus, she could do the most amazing work in one take. When I shot the photoshoot scene from "Her Last Photoshoot", she put together the most arousing set of poses I'd ever seen, moving seamlessly from one pose to another for a good 10 minutes, so that I only had to add f/x camera flashes in post production. Her death scenes were also perfect as she writhed in pain or in the clutches of a strangler, her rocking body and beautiful face graphically expressing her erotic struggle to survive. Filming with Petra was a dream come true!

But my enjoyment of Petra did not end with the shoot day. We went to dinner at a classy restaurant every night of her visit, with Petra turning heads everywhere she went. We talked for hours. I learned about her childhood behind the iron curtain, growing up in the Czech Republic, then emigrating alone to the UK and working long hours to survive and make a career for herself. She talked about her first relationship in London with an abusive Englishman who ended up breaking her arm when she broke up with him. My blood boiled. My instinct was to use my martial arts skills to re-arrange his face... but she had moved on to a new positive relationship. We shared, we became friends, she agreed to come back, and we shot together for the next 7 years. So, NO, I had no desire whatsoever to harm this beautiful creature at all!
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Of course, I could go on forever about Petra, but, unless the Petra fans out there want to hear more, I plan to move on to the UKSG-Bluestone partnership phase of the Bluestone Videos story. Any feedback would be appreciated at this point in the podcast transcript. Are you enjoying this thread? Are there parts you'd like to hear more about, or parts you'd like to hear less about? Let me know while you wait for the next posting.

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Snuff Princess »

Thanks for sharing all about your first contact and then initial filming with Petra. That was really fun to hear about!

I think it's normal for there to be a fear that the person you've seen from afar may be very different in person, but it's great to know that she's a very down to Earth person and quite intelligent too.

I've been enjoying this "podcast transcript" of yours and am looking forward to seeing where it goes next!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by elsullo »

OF COURSE many of us want to hear MORE about Petra! But only when it is fun for YOU. Whenever you remember a nice moment pass it along? Do not make this WORK that you might want to do perfectly. Anecdotes are what we would love to hear! Funny instances that reveal her personality; things that you might not think are notable are still revealing about her. Did she play any jokes on you? She often did that to Dlister and Annabelle. Even just watching her WALK down a hallway in your vids was a stunning moment for me.

I want once again to thank you enthusiastically for the bargain deal you gave me for producing my script outlines! Your editing was very light and you kept to the theme perfectly! For three years in a row I sent you my entire life savings for the honor of having Petra perform MY script, and she was just PERFECT! She always just GETS IT: that this snoof-neekro stuff is all only just PLAY, and play-acting is for FUN! It was WORTH the gamble of my entire bank account! Fortunately, my finances are vastly better now and I no longer have to scrimp and save like before! But if Petra was still working with you, I might be tempted.........................elsullo :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Ric delCampo »

A little while ago I was watching a web series about Canadian border patrol agents and what hard-asses they could be. A few episodes dealt with people coming into Canada and doing gig work. Such as a Japanese girl who was a web "influencer," who was going to appear at some sort of fan convention. If they don't announce that they are coming into Canada to work and don't have the proper work permits, they get kicked out of Canada.

So when I read you had brought Petra into Canada for filming, I wondered if she had run into that. Did she announce her entry into Canada as work? Did she have the proper work permits? Or was it all clandestine?

You don't have to answer that if you don't want to.

But, maybe you could do a video where Petra is detained by Canadian border patrol agents and they kill her for not having the proper papers. A sort of parody of the above-mentioned web series.
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Bluestone »

"Episode 5: The Bluestone Evolution"!

Well, my one man filming business was still steaming along in 2009, a year after I had met Petra, and continued for several more years. I combined Petra's second shoot with Suzi, filming with Suzi for the first 2 days, then overlapping with Petra for the next 3 days. In the second Petra-Suzi shoot, we shot with Petra alone for a few days after Suzi had flown home. We did 7 of these Suzi-Petra shoots before changing to Petra only shoots again for two further shoots. In addition, I was filming with other actresses, such as several marvelous shoots with Kerie and Lena and, in between the Toronto shoots, Suzi was still shooting material in New Jersey and sending me the raw footage for my editing.
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Something quite unexpected happened in 2009. UKSG, which is short for "U.K. Strangle Girls", was a production company that had been producing custom movies with a full professional crew for decades before my appearance on the scene. Most of their material consisted of full movies for the eyes of their private customers only, customers who paid a fortune to have high quality death fetish material produced for them. UKSG had released shorter clips of some portions of these videos for public consumption, and their quality was far above anything else that was being produced in our industry. Problem was that pirates and file-sharers spelled the end to their foray into the public market and they went back to private customer productions alone. In 2009, as a result of my creation of the Femme Fatalities message board, the owner of UKSG reached out to me.

We had a good discussion, and I can't quite remember how it came about, but I decided to order my own custom from him, one that I could sell on my site. So, I wrote a script, submitted it to him, and we were on our way to getting our first collaboration filmed. Though I have always had a weakness for blondes, he had a gorgeous brunette available for the filming. I agreed, decided on a stage name for her, which resulted in Mink starring in "The Visitor".
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That was 2009, and I was quite pleased with the result of my custom, starting a new mini-series at my store called "Sexy Spies" and adding a series of other titles thereafter. UKSG, however, was well known also for its Superheroine videos. I was encouraged to order a video, such as the Wonder Woman one that UKSG produced years before. Now, don't get me wrong, I was a HUGE comic book fan and collector, my comic collection at the time being worth 6 figures, but I really enjoyed beautiful women in short skirts being murdered, such as in spy and crime scenarios. I wasn't really into women in tights.

Well, UKSG was confident that I could be convinced to take the plunge. Their writers put together an Amazon adventure, starring the Wonder Woman styled heroine they had dubbed Ultrawoman, but they added in the heroine's alter ego who also was strangled in this proposed video. I loved it, and also loved the photos of the proposed actress, who I stage named Lynda in tribute to the beautiful Lynda Carter who I enjoyed for years as TV's Wonder Woman. Then, I sub-titled the video project: "Ultrawoman: The Secret Life and Death of Agent Steel". Thus, this collaboration eventually resulted in the Bluestone Superheroines series being born!
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Now, before I continued with the Bluestone Superheroines series, I had to experiment a little more with the spy genre, collaborating on the first and future "White Angel" videos. Then, I proposed sending Suzi to London to film with the UK crew a script that I had entitled "The Saga of the Rogue Agent". Soon thereafter, with the consent of UKSG, I was put into contact with one of their best freelance directors who in turn was able to assemble a crew, post production professionals, a costumer and a model agency that could supply talent for future productions. In effect, I pivoted from a one man show to a production company and assumed the role of producer, allowing film professionals to take Bluestone Videos to the next level! By 2012, my new UK production enterprise was able to break back into the Superheroine market with the blockbuster starring Emma G. entitled "Fall of a Heroine", a heroine who I dubbed "Wondra"! This production was an immense success and pioneered a whole line of Superheroine productions!
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Well, that's the story of how my UK production company came about, but what was next for Bluestone Videos? Tune in next time and I'll tell you.


P.S. As requested, there will be more about Petra in the next installment!
Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Snuff Princess »

This is all really interesting to read about and even now we're still talking about events from a decade ago. There's still quite a bit to go until we get to the present!
The Mistress of Deadly Desires!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Bluestone »

"Episode 6: Film-making 101"!

I've been in this crazy film business now for almost two decades, and I have to thank my strange female death fetish for all of it. Without this interest, I am sure that I would never have had the slightest inkling of how to become a film-maker. As a result of chasing my rather peculiar interest, I have amassed quite a substantial knowledge of the film industry, without having ever taken a college course in film-making!

What I have learned is that, above all, if one does not have an artistic eye, do not consider film-making. I have seen the failures that have resulted from this lack of instinctive knowledge of composition. I once worked with a person whose career was film production. I hired him through a contact to operate a second camera for one of my Suzi shoots. He was interested in learning from me... from a guy who had never taken a film course. Why? Because he had no idea as to how to compose a shot... how to basically tell a story with his camera. I watched a sample of his work, unfortunately only after I had wasted money hiring him. His films were a train wreck!

On the job training is an invaluable tool. I also gleaned information from fans and those buying customs. They not only demonstrated what their death fetish interests were, but actual real life and film knowledge. For example, a customer who was a first responder explained to me that my bullet holes were too large and gave me other insights into crime scenes that was not obvious from simply watching CSI. Another customer shared with me some incredible special effects knowledge that he had developed while enjoying his fetish. Yet another explained other aspects of film-making that he had picked up over the years. Then, there were fellow producers who shared their knowledge with me gratis. Finally, actresses such as Suzi shared their knowledge of the industry. It all is useful information, if you take it to heart.

By far, the greatest education that I received was from the professional film crew that I hired in the UK. I devoured their knowledge like a hungry wolf. After a few short years of working with them, I was ready to use this knowledge to put together several local shoots from scratch. I searched out and located shoot locations, set up and personally conducted auditions through a talent agent I had sourced and cast several key players in the Bluestone Superheroines series. These included Melanie Dunne as Supernova, Melody Sky as Supernova Prime, and Lena as Catwarrior. I also hired two stunt coordinators, make-up and wardrobe professionals, camera jockeys, and supplemented all of this with a first rate director who I flew in from overseas. For some shoots, I also flew in UK talent such as Lynda, Emma G., Krystal Red and Yvonne. The result was some of the best material that Bluestone had yet to produce, material that matched, and sometimes exceeded, that of UKSG.
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Above is the cast and crew that I assembled for a Supernova shoot with Melanie Dunne.

Since I do have a full time day job, after several very successful hands-on shoots, I decided to step back from actually being on set again, and returned to producing content using my UK cast and crew, but did fly out some talent to the UK to shoot with them, such as Melody Sky of Supernova Prime fame!

Oh, I did promise to talk more about Petra, didn't I? Well, before organizing my own full crew shoots, and before I finished shooting with Petra in Canada, I thought it would be a perfect idea to have her shoot with my UK production company. After all, it would save her flying across the ocean and I would be able to see her in a first class production. It all sounded like it couldn't miss, right? Well, the result was the fantastic "White Angel 5", featuring September Rose and Petra, but on set the chemistry did not work.

Petra hated working with my #1 director, since he constantly criticized her on set. Like the true professional she was, she completed the day's shooting, turned in an excellent performance, and then told me that she'd never work with him again, unless I was on set. Well, this is not what I wanted to hear. I was furious! I told her that I would never work with him again. It was actually Petra who asked me not to end my relationship with him over her dissatisfaction with this one shoot. He was a very talented director. So, I took her advice and continued to work with him, and still do so today.
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After that incident, Petra flew over to film with me a couple more times, and I shot lots more videos with her, including a few "goodbye" videos, such as the one where I played the hard nosed director who criticized her so harshly that she quit, whereupon I pretended to kill her on set. We really enjoyed playing those scenarios. LOL!

It was actually my decision to finally end my filming with Petra after 11 wonderful shooting weeks over a 7 year period. I had already stopped filming with Suzi, and wanted to step back from these intense one-man crew shoots, in favour of simply writing scripts and producing. It was truly the end of an era!

Next time, I will look back at some of the fun aspects of the many Bluestone shoots, and relate some memorable anecdotes. So, tune in next for "Episode 7: Fun on The Bluestone Set".

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Snuff Princess »

Film and photography definitely require an artistic eye. Anyone that has some money can buy a high quality camera and take some pictures that are good on a technical level. However, it's capturing the essence of a scene that draws people in that requires some real skill. For some this comes naturally, but others have a very difficult time with this.

I'm glad Petra encouraged you not to ditch your UK director over one problematic shoot. It's nice that you still work with him to this day.
The Mistress of Deadly Desires!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Xukpi »

+1 for Snuff Princess,

So the chemistry was not there between Petra and your director. :roll: Although both are good professionals.
It is interesting to admit the fact, since many people are inclined to see the "good" on one side, the "bad" on the other side, in many personal interactions. I already noticed that in very small companies ( in big ones, it's easier to move from a dept to the other )
And a good professional reaction from Petra!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Snuff Princess »

Sometimes people just don't get along or don't work well together. It happens. Thankfully Petra was a professional and recognized this rather than telling Blue that he should stop working with him.
The Mistress of Deadly Desires!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by redking »

Bluestone wrote: Mon Dec 05, 2022 8:14 pm "Episode 4: The Bluestone Muses (Part 1: Petra - The Distant Beauty)"!

So, how did Bluestone's beautiful cast come about? Well, let's go chronologically and split this Episode into 4 parts:

1. Petra - The Distant Beauty
2. Jessica - The First In Person Shoot
3. Suzi - The American Beauty
4. Petra - Up Close and Personal

As I said in Episode 3, I started to watch Petra on Annabelle's Fantasy and quickly fell in love with this gorgeous woman, or at least her cinematic image. Now, those without the fetish may say, "You mean you wanted to kill her". Of course not! She's the type of woman who I would be too nervous to even talk to when I was younger... one of those 'out of my league' girls who should be plastered on a magazine cover... hopefully "Playboy". LOL!

Love means love! Love also means lust, and I certainly lusted for Petra! Now, as I watched Petra writhing erotically while being attacked in the Annabelle's videos, I simply enjoyed her expressions with that wide-eyed look and her awesome body, often partially disrobed and, knowing it was fantasy, I became aroused. I had learned years before that I was only interested in female death scenes featuring women who I felt were desirable. If I wouldn't have wanted to screw them, I wouldn't be interested in watching them writhing or struggling as they were impacted on screen. For me at least, a cinematic female death scene is only erotic if the victim is a woman who I find desirable... and Petra was very desirable.

Unfortunately for me, Petra resided in the UK, way across the ocean from North America. So, I decided to commission a custom through Annabelle's starring Petra. I wrote "Slain In Silk" and arranged payment for the custom; however, only the first part of the video was filmed. So, I released the video back to Annabelle's for them to sell as "The Hotel Strangler", and had the entire video re-shot with different costuming. This time, they got it right, and I had my first video with which to launch my brand new video store!

"Slain in Silk" ended up satisfying a desire to have my own custom Petra video, but also set me on a path to actually be on set with a real live model. I wanted next to personally film one of my sexy death scenes. More on this in (Part 2). Tune in tomorrow as I continue my walk down memory lane as I discovered more and more about my fetish and how far out of the closet I could venture with it.

It's absolutely one of my favorite videos among all of your "Slain in Silk" collection, sublime Miss Petra and makes her even more divine when she receives what she deserves... :cool: :twisted: :razz: My favorite number one from Annabelle will remain "Next"with the dagger, but also the hotel scene with mutliple shots, as she gets out of the shower, and "Dream" with two shots in her wonderful boobs... :love: :pc:
Redking is here ! :cool: :twisted: :mrgreen:
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Xukpi »

Fortunately, we needn't binoculars to admire the lady you call 'distant beauty' ;-)

I bought one of your latest films with Sienna. Mmm... Yummy... :clap:
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Bluestone »

Sorry, Guys, but I've decided to suspend my further contributions to this thread for now. I've become too busy with other matters to continue it, but I believe that I've made my point with what has already been shared with you above.

Merry Christmas to you all!

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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