Indie's Treasure Trove

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"Brutal Divorce" from Sophie's Fantasy Art

Post by indiefilmfan »

Apologies for the delay in getting these next vids up. My health has not been so good lately.

But since the lesbotrain has already left the station, let's just keep it rolling, shall we? "Brutal Divorce" is a 14 minute flick from Sophie's featuring Nikki and Laura, with the addition of Britney this time.

It starts right off with Nikki giving Laura a nice sensual massage with baby oil :excited: :
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Then Laura returns the favor to Nikki:
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This proves to be enough to prompt a little smooching between the two, but then Laura decides she needs a shower before continuing, so she steps out of the room.
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Unbeknownst to them, however, Britney (Nikki's wife), has been lurking nearby waiting for the chance to extract her revenge upon the cheating whore and the homewrecker. She makes her move whilst Nikki is face down and vulnerable. Her weapon of choice... a nylon stocking...
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After she deals out her 90 seconds of justice to her cheating wife, she gives her a little smooch and then moves on into the bathroom, where the little homewrecker is showering and oblivious of the sentence that is about to be served to her...
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She lets poor Laura know what she thinks of her, then puts one in her belly...
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After letting her suffer for a few moments, she finishes her off with one to the head, and our little flower wilts and slides down the wall to the floor, where she sits on display for us, spread eagle ...
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Britney's vengeance has been served, and so ends the tale of yet another cheating whore. Let that be a lesson to you cheaters... keep your bloomers on and stay at home with your loving wife!! :approve:

Pick this morsel up from Sophie direct at:

Or her site:

Or her gumroad store:

Please support your producers, folks! Cheers! - indie
Last edited by indiefilmfan on Mon Jun 28, 2021 1:40 am, edited 1 time in total.
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"Six Girls Five Knives" from Sophie's Fantasy Art

Post by indiefilmfan »

Well, those two rascally lesbos are at it again, and this time they kick things off with a nice little scissoring... and no, I don't mean anyone's getting stabbed with a pair of shears, sorry guys. I'm talking about real lesbo action here! :excited: :lol2:

"Six Girls Five Knives" is a very short one from Sophie's at just 3 minutes, but don't be deceived by such a small clock... it's a stab-o-rama from start to finish!

The two snatch-grinders (Nikki and Laura) finish each other off with a knife thrust a piece, and die with their lady parts still liplocked... :eek:
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Hardbody Annica immediately strolls in to discover their corpses, but before she can take any action, she is beset upon by Angie, who plunges her own knife into Annica's belly, then lets her flop over onto a chair with her astounding butt cheeks properly displayed for us as she dies... :approve:
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Continuing this pattern, Britney enters, wrestles the knife away from Angie, and gives her a jab in the belly. She collapses right there on the floor...
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Enter the waif-queen, Diane, who rushes up and inserts her blade into Britney's chest. Thankfully, before collapsing, Britney is kind enough to return the favor to Diane, which results in one of the best sprawled out death poses I think I've seen - flopped back onto a table with all her royal waifliness arched up in the air, and her cute little toes curled up under her feet... priceless!!! :clap:
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Shockingly, all this happened so quick, that the camera still has 30 seconds to pan around what looks like a room full of broken mannequins, all contorted and thrown about like a child's toys left out after playing. Behold the beautiful mayhem:
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And there you are, folks... a short, but very packed vid from Sophie that should be of special interest to those who like stabbings, but prefer to not have their visuals obstructed by any blood or effects.

Of course this can be picked up from Sophie direct at:

Or her site:

Or her gumroad store:

Please support your producers, folks! Cheers! - indie
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"Britney with a Knife" from Sophie's Fantasy Art

Post by indiefilmfan »

What was that you say? STILL not enough stabbings for you? Well... OK, if you insist. I guess we can persuade the generous miss Britney to come back in for an encore performance... and that's just what she does in Sophie's "Britney with a Knife."

This one is a bit longer at about 5 1/2 minutes of stabbity goodness. Again, there are NO blood or effects used in this one.

It starts off with Britney hiding behind a couch when the poor, hapless Nikki enters the room. I'll give you one guess what happens... yup, right in the gut with Britney's little snik knife. She collapses face-down onto the couch:
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Then enters Laura, coming in to get another helping of Nikki's hair pie (or so I tell myself... so please don't shatter my dreams...), but alas, it was not meant to be this time, as poor Nikki has expired before any more rug-munching could commence. That's OK, though, because Britney is kind enough to give her not one, but two pokes to send her on to the next world to reunite with her lesbo lover for all eternity... at least that's how I imagined it... :excited:
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Then the girl from muscle beach makes her appearance, and of course is given the same treatment... a knife to the gut. Always the pro, Annica treats us to some nice gasping before she expires on the floor next to Laura... :approve:
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Then it's Angie's turn, and she, like Laura, is awarded a bonus stab... right in the chest this time as she seizes on the floor...
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And of course this stab-a-thon couldn't be complete without my favorite waif... she gets the same treatment as the rest, and collapses onto the same table as the previous episode, but this time it's face down, assuming the position that practically begs for some wandering necrophile to step up and grace her with their blessings... :twisted:
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And miss Britney kindly checks them all for non-existent pulses, then lives to stab another day, hurray!!! Don't you just love a happy ending? :clap:
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Pick this up from Sophie direct at:

Or her site:

Or her gumroad store:

Please support your producers, folks! Cheers! - indie
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"Two Tied Up" by Sophie's Fantasy Art

Post by indiefilmfan »

OK, I actually laughed out loud during this one. The only thing I can think of to compare to "Two Tied Up" is Big Time Wrestling. Or whatever the hell they call that stuff here in the U.S. these days.

I remember watching that shit as a kid, only because they switched the damn time slot on Sunday afternoon and put it on before "Kung-Fu Theatre." Even as a child, I felt that those cheap, glorious kung-fu movies in all their craziness were infinitely more believable than "Big Time Fucking Wrestling," LOL! :lol2:

But the gods were cruel, and somehow it has prevailed over the years. Hell, George "the animal" Steele would probably be proud of the performance Sophie's girls give in "Two Tied Up." So hey, who am I to judge?

Anyway, this little 10 minute treasure features my two favorite lesbos yet again, this time tied up right from the start, with Chrissy as their tormentor and ultimately, their murderer.

I don't know what else to say, other than it looks like one of those scenes straight out of the wrestling ring where several of the wrestling women have a couple others beaten down and helpless, and are all talking trash to them in the most ridiculous banter while they continue to slowly beat them some more in the most preposterously fake looking way possible.

At various stages, Chrissy uses her fists, her feet, nunchucks, and even a badminton racket before finally grabbing her snik knife to repeatedly perforate both of their bellies. She even says she "hates fucking lesbians," and steals their shoes, lol!! It's making me laugh again just to type this, I shit you not! :clap: :lol2:

And the banter that goes on throughout it all in those wonderful european accents is priceless! I swear to Christ Sophie must've hired Gorilla Monsoon AND Mean Gene Okerlund to put such a script together. The whole time, I kept thinking at any moment Hillbilly Jim would burst into the room, knock Chrissy for a row of shithouses, and save those girls, LOL! :lol2: Oh hell, have a gander:
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OK, that's it... I'm tapping out, LOL! I only wish Kung-Fu Theatre was coming on next, damnit! Cheers! - indie

I beg of you... buy this timeless masterpiece direct from Sophie at:

Or her site:

Or her gumroad store:

Please support your producers, folks!
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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Post by sophie »

Many many thanks for the new reviews!
It is so enjoying to read your texts in the reviews, I am sure that our fans
and customers would like to see these movies.

Many lovely greetings also from our models and thank you for great support,
Sophie :lol: :lol:
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Post by indiefilmfan »

You are most welcome, miss Sophie!
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"The Assassin" from Amazon-Warriors

Post by indiefilmfan »

Well, after a 5 year hiatus, Eve is apparently back with Olaf's troupe, and she joins us here for about 13 minutes. In "The Assassin" she plays the queen who is lounging about on her bed with her slave Arya.
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Little does she know, Antaris is on her way to settle an old score with her. And judging by her dirty butt cheeks, she has just finished settling an old score with a bag of kingsford briquets... :lol2:
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She sneaks into the fortress, and interrupts what I can only dream was about to be a spectacular lesbonathon. Arya is quick to jump up in an attempt to loyally shield her queen, and Antaris is only too glad to grant her an honorable death by sticking some arrows into her lovely flesh...
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After her duty has been fulfilled, Eve chucks her down on the bed, draws her dagger, and hides behind a pillar. Not to be deterred, Antaris heads downstairs and sticks a couple arrows into her, bringing her to her knees...
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Now that she's softened her up a bit, Antaris closes the distance to finish her off with a couple thrusts of her short sword to Eve's gut...
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Last edited by indiefilmfan on Tue Jun 29, 2021 8:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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"The Assassin" contd.

Post by indiefilmfan »

After she's dead, Antaris spends about 4 minutes fully looting the 2 bodies for you loot lovers. Considerable effort seems to have been spent here to afford good close-ups of the bodies as she does so, including the feet...
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After expending so much energy, Antaris feels the need to refresh herself by stealing the dead girls' Jagermeister, then she trots off to her next adventure. The end.
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It's nice to see Eve back in Olaf's employ, and I also thought the new girl Arya delivered the goods just fine. Antaris brings the hotness and ruthlessness we have come to expect from her as usual, (and even gives us a small nip slip near the end, yay!). :excited:

Check it out yourself at Olaf's site:

Please support your producers, folks! Cheers! - indie
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My custom with Amfight

Post by indiefilmfan »

A few weeks back, I saw Sophie and Solstice advertising in the other section to fill a few slots that were still open in their shooting schedule for the end of July. These shootings were by Solstice for Amfight, in collaboration with Sophie's Fantasy Art.

They were offering to shoot a custom for the very reasonable price of 250 euros (around $315 U.S.), so I decided to dive in. I have a few other, more elaborate customs that I am working out the fine details on, but those will be a bit later, and I thought perhaps while I finished working on those, I would make my little contribution to Solstice and Sophie's operation by spreading the wealth a little. In my reviews, I always preach to "support your producers," and I figure it's only right that I should lead by example.

So I scribbled out a simple scenario entitled "Dispatching Diane Clones" for some clone shooting and sent it off to Solstice. A week and a half later he sends me the flick. The following are my thoughts on the matter...

First, I will say to any of you who have been thinking about having a custom done, but have been a bit hesitant because they are unsure of the particulars, you needn't worry. These people are as nice as anyone you could hope to deal with. Scribble out what you want in an email to Solstice and he will promptly respond. I transferred him the funds via a simple, safe, common method, and like I said above, he sent me the vid a week and a half later. Simple as that.

Shootings are scheduled with particular girls in advance, obviously, and in this case, I happened to get in on the tail end of the time frame for that booking, so on average, you are likely looking at a touch longer turn around time from commission to completion, but you get the picture here - Good business. :approve:

So onto the show.....

Now frequent readers of my ramblings know that I like fit or skinny girls. My ideal date orders a single breadstick for her meal at a restaurant, then asks for a doggy bag at the end of the meal to take home half of it for tomorrow's meal. ;-)

That's what I asked for here, and Solstice delivered the goods. Diane and Amira are two hot waifs that have probably never seen a buffet line in their lives. Thank the gods for small favors. :lol:

I asked for some simple, slow, suppressed shootings of cloned Dianes in up close and personal scenarios, and by god that's what I got. In all the fetishistic stuff that's discussed on this board, the only thing that really tickles my fancy is a hot, topless waif getting slowly drilled repeatedly with projectiles, whether it be bullets, arrows, or darts.

I review all the other stuff for the benefit of the community, and I do get some amusement out of some of it, but for my money, all I really want to see is some hotness turned into a piece of cheese or a pin cushion.

For my measly 300 clams I got about 15 minutes of just that. In my book, that's a lot of bang for the buck (pun intended). For me, the eroticism in these scenarios lies in the reaction of the girl to the impact of the shots. I like to see them wince or grimace as they arch their backs and push their chests up. I don't like yelling, loud gunfire, or other noise. And I like tough girls who have a strong will to live, and thus take much longer to kill than the average tart.

So there were no elaborate effects involved here, just skinny little Diane clones delivering the goods as Amira repeatedly takes her sweet time perforating the hell out of her. Oh, and they're also barefoot throughout. Have a look see:
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Mmmm..... ribs AND hip bones in the same shot..... :love:
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Amira made the fatal mistake of missing a single clone, and is about to pay the price...
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So if from the pics above, you happen to like what I like, drop Solstice a line and tell him you'd like a copy of "Dispatching Diane Clones." If you do, the good news for you is you can pick this vid up for a tiny fraction of what I paid to have it made. Your welcome. :yes:

***Note*** It may be a few weeks or so until Solstice releases this vid for sale to the public.

Now if you have other particular tastes and want them played out on the screen just how you want them, find out when the next scheduled shooting is and jump on in. The cost is obviously quite reasonable. I did it and don't regret a thing.

OK, that's a lie. I have one regret, actually. When I commissioned my vid, I told Solstice to just have Amira shoot Diane. At that time, I had only seen Amira in the small promo pics on sophie's site. I thought she looked hot, but now that I've seen her better up close, I think it's kind of a shame I had her just do all the shooting for the most part. She has nice butt cheeks, cute boobers, a ripped belly, AND pretty eyes! :excited:

Beauty like hers deserves more focused screen time. So perhaps down the road I'll have another custom shot where she's the one getting riddled the whole movie, lol. :yes:

In any case, the moral of this story is I'm glad to have given a little bit back to a studio that puts out all kinds of stuff for everyone's tastes. Those efforts cost money, and they can't do it without our support. So the next time you're thinking of pissing away some money on a new pair of shoes for your wife's birthday, a new set of brakes for your car, or a nice big bag of smack, instead, send those much needed funds to a better cause - the production family that includes Sophie's Fantasy Art, Solstice's Amfight, and Max5s's White Wolf Publications. It'll be money wisely spent! Cheers! - indie

Solstice direct:

Sophie direct:
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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Post by solstice »

Thank you Indie for your kind words and your support for our independent studio and the whole community.
It's great that you not only invest your time to tell us about all those vids, but also your money to keep us going on!

I decided to release your custom already, as I know by myself, it's hard to wait for something exciting ;-)

Thanks again, stay safe,
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Re: Dispatching Diane Clones

Post by indiefilmfan »

You're very welcome, sir. It's the least I can do, considering how hard all you small studios work to offer up products that people want. I just wish some other people would chime in from time to time. It would certainly be interesting to know how many others liked vids like this one, for instance, and ended up buying it. Perhaps we'll get some feedback on this one...
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Re: Indie's Treasure Trove

Post by sophie »

Thank you very much for the excellent review!
We appreciate it a lot!
We are happy you like your video!
The custom shooting with Solstice was very enjoyable for me and for Diane and Amira.
We are working together with greatest pleasure and cant wait for the next shootings.
Lovely greetings from me and the models,

Sophie :lol: :lol:
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"Target Practice" from Black Nylons Films

Post by indiefilmfan »

Well, it seems the valiant Sir Thomas Gun and his loyal sidekick Lady Brittany have once again teamed up to offer us all a little treasure, bless their hearts. "Target Practice" comes in at around 7 1/2 minutes including some outtakes at the end.

When I saw what this was, I rushed to download it like a toddler to a teat! And speaking of teats, it was most refreshing to see the good Lady Brittany's industrial-strength udders on full display once again. How's this for a view...?
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The tale is a simple one... she is accused of stealing a flash drive, and a collector is sent to... well... collect it. She claims she doesn't have it, then goes for a walther, but the gentleman is quicker, and puts a slug in each teat...
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Poor Brittany goes down to the floor in agony, so the gentleman is kind enough to remove her bra, which he undoubtedly thought must've been the source of the discomfort. :yes:

Once he gets a gander at the milk trucks underneath, he decides to use their headlights for target practice...
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She flounders around on the floor bleeding for a bit, so he decides to give her a couple more for good measure...
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She then treats us to some last minute death throes, including some lip quivering. It's during these good close-up shots that we get a better look at those beautiful eyes... :love:
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The gentleman then cuts her lower garments off, revealing her lady parts. The temptation was clearly too much for him to resist, so he put a few more slugs into her lower region...
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And so ends the tale of poor Brittany yet again. A tale of nylons, knockers, bullet holes, and blood. In other words, just what you'd expect from Tommy's studio. Bravo, I say! Cheers! - indie

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"Her Final Moments 1" from Amazon-Warriors

Post by indiefilmfan »

Here's another from Amazon-Warriors that I picked up a little while back called "Her Final Moments 1." Coming in at around 11 minutes, it's a battle of the bare knockers between one Saphyra and a relentless onlaught of charging Russlana clones.

This is a straight forward, shoot 'em up, clone-snuffing bonanza. The scowl on Saphyra's face says she's all business for this go 'round, and she's also oiled up again, which seems to be a thing with her. I don't care for it myself, but someone must like it if they keep doing it. I've often wondered if it isn't something she herself prefers for the bloody scenes. It makes the blood bead up on her skin like water on a rain-x treated windshield, so maybe it makes the blood easier to clean off or something... who knows.

In any case, this is a continuous trigger-puller for the both of them for those who like non-stop shooters. Saphyra drops a good number of Russlanas before she begins to take some hits of her own, which eventually wear her down. She keeps up the good fight like a trooper, but once she's had it, a clone moves in and gives her several more slugs for good measure...
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Simple and straight to the point, this firefight of hotness should delight fans of continuous gunfire, boobies, and even some garfed-up blood on some nice pale flesh. If you're that type, drop on over to uncle Olaf's and get yourself a copy. Cheers! - indie
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What is your main fetish?: tough women
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Post by indiefilmfan »

:pc: Indie's Treasure Trove: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=17473 :pc:
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