Review of Ballistics Test, produced in 2006

Reviews of Susy Gabrielle's films, including Gabrielle's Fighting Girls (mostly stabbings, shootings) and Gabrielle's Smothering Girls (only strangling). Formerly known as Susyfights and SGA Fantasy Art. Reviews of all of these brands should be posted here!

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Ric delCampo
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Review of Ballistics Test, produced in 2006

Post by Ric delCampo »

Review of “Ballistics Test” by Susyfights

This is my favorite Video from Susyfights and perhaps my most favorite video of all times-- Probably because I wrote it.
It was based on a short story I wrote by the same name. By Susy Garielle’s request I later adapted it--(made it simpler, so it could be a video.)

Contains Spoilers.

Basic story line is this:

A bullet manufacturer is testing their new belly-punching bullets-- to see how many female bellies a single bullet can penetrate.
Cast: One Female Scientist/Test conductor and Nine female volunteers. I wrote it so the video could use as few as 4 actresses.
Scene One: Scientist announces First Test-- One Volunteer. The volunteer enters. The Scientist shoots her in the belly. She dies. The Scientist examines her body to see if the bullet fully penetrated her. (it did.)
Scene Two: Scientist announces Test Two. Two volunteers enter and line up. The Scientist shoots the first girl in her belly and the bullet penetrates and kills both girls. The Scientist examines the bodies to see if the bullet fully penetrated both bodies. (It did.)
Scene Three: Scientist announces Test Three-- as you can guess three girls enter and are shot to death with a single bullet.
Scene Four: Scientist announces Test Four. But only three girls show up. After thinking it over, the scientist stands in line with the other three, shoots herself in the belly and kills all four of them.

Preferences I asked for:

I like belly shootings. All the girls are shot in their belly.

A running joke through-out the originally story and carried over into the video is that as the girls prepare to be shot, they strip off their clothes so their (beloved) clothes won’t get bullet holes in them nor bloodstains on them. Of course the running joke is that the girls are more concerned with their clothes than with their own lives. A secondary benefit for the video producer is that the actresses appear semi-nude, which sells better than fully clothed.

As I like consensual death and to emphasize the death as sex metaphor I asked that each girl be as enthusiastic about participating in an experiment which would kill them as they would be about having sex. I asked that each girls’ moans be orgasmic moans.

As the video progresses each scene ends with an ever increasing body pile and manipulation of the dead bodies by the Scientist. (Except, of course, for the final scene, which ends with 4 dead bodies in a pile, but the Scientist is dead, so she can’t manipulate the bodies.) I like body piles and multiple deaths videos.

I wrote this so as few as four actress could be used, even through there are 10 deaths. One actress portrays the Scientist. Actress 2 dies in scene one; actresses 3 and 4 die in scene two, actresses 2, 3, and 4 die in scene three. And all four actresses die in scene four. What I suggested was that in each scene when an actress reappears, that she be dressed differently, as to give the appearance that she is a different volunteer.

Crista: as the Scientist.
Emese, Gaby, Claudia, and Anita C. as the volunteers.
(Note: They used 5 actresses instead of four. Emese. Gaby, Anita C. each dies twice, Claudia dies three times, and Crista once.)

What I disliked about the Video:

It may be nit-picking, but first the sign. There was a hand-written sign reading “Ballistic Test.” I didn’t expect a professional sign with a company logo, but they at least could have printed it.

Blood/Wound effects. Only average. As with most Susyfights video there is a gunshot sound effect dubbed in, then a change of camera angle or short cut-away to apply wound effects and blood. Blood was okay, but there were no wound effects in the bodies. (At least there were wounds/blood in the belly, and the back of each actress, showing that the bullet had completely penetrated her.

Change of guns. Half-way through Scene Three Crista, the playing the Scientist switches from a smaller pistol to a larger pistol. In a real test you don’t change the variables from one test to the next All the variables, except the one you are testing, in this case, the number of bellies penetrated, stay the same. Again, this is nit-picking, but it offended my knowledge of the scientific method. (At least the girls were excited to see the bigger gun!)

Crista: This actress had the biggest part and seemed very unenthusiastic through-out the entire video. She had a sour expression on her face during most of the video. A very poor saleswoman, she was supposed to be enthusiastically promoting her company’s product; which partially explains why she kills herself at the end-- the experiment must go on! I liked her single death scene the least also. She didn’t die enthusiastic, nor seemed to enjoy her death. She died the fastest of all the death scenes.

Language: Nearly the entire video was in Romanian, a language I don’t understand. While some scenes were pretty self-explanatory. The actresses playing the volunteers were very enthusiastic and vibrant, trying to be first in line, first to die-- just as I had written it. But I wasn’t sure if that was what they were saying. Also, the explanation of the purpose of the test is lost. The viewer may figure it out; but back to the change in gu that obscures the point a bit.
Worst of all, the running joke was lost. There is no way to know why the girls were taking off their clothes. (I can only hope that’s what they said, so a Romanian speaker would at least get that joke.)

What I like about the video:

(It was free to me.)

This was supposed to be a humorous and a totally unrealistic erotic death fantasy. If you like realism, or overt brutality, this one is not for you. I like them humorous and overtly sexual, as in weapon penetrating equals sex, and death equals orgasm; and the girl is as enthusiastic about dying as a real girl would be about having sex. And would enjoy it as much.

I don’t like a lot of gore or blood, so the smaller amounts of blood trickles was okay for me. I like that they showed blood on the belly, and the back of each dead actress, to show that the bullet had fully penetrated each volunteer. As before, I like belly shots. They could have done a little better with their belly-clutching. There were ten deaths by belly shots.

The dubbed in gun-shot was okay for me. It sounded about right.

After each shooting, Crista examines the body or bodies, checks the bullet hole in her belly, there flips her over to check the exit wound in her back. (As written the Scientist was supposed to be explaining how the bullet entered the volunteer’s belly and exited her back so it could penetrate the girl behind her. Crista is silent.) Each dead girl is rolled over, then rolled back. Of course, there is an ever increasing-in- size body pile at the end of each scene. So there is some dead body manipulation for those who like that. I lke body piles and body manipulation.

Nudity: Each girl takes off her clothes before dying. Three of the actress go topless in their death scenes, two wear bikini tops. (One of Crista’s nipples peeks out from beneath her bikini top after she is dead.)
As I suggested, each time an actress reappeared as a different volunteer, she started out wearing different clothes from her previous appearance. All the costumes were sexy. As requested in the script, the Scientist wore a white lab coat. But she takes it off before she kills herself, to reveal a skimpy bikini.

There were camera pans over the dead bodies at the end of each scene.

I liked that they used five actresses when they could have skimped a bit and only used four.

The Actresses: All the actresses, IMHO, were beautiful girls. (As explained above, the only performance that disappointed me was Crista’s.)
I especially loved Emese’s performance. She dies twice, alone in the first scene. She played the part exactly as I had written it. She was so happy, excited, and vibrant. When Crista poked the muzzle in her belly, her reaction was one of excitement and all smiles. And she died real well. She seemed to partially enjoy her death(s). Gaby was almost as good, enthusiastic about participating in the test and dying in the name of science. Claudia’s performance was my next favorite. These three, when they appeared together, would argue over who would be first in line, first to die, wanting to be first to die, (At least that is how I wrote it and what I believe they were saying, again, due the language barrier, I‘m not sure,) just as I had written it. Anita C was always at the back of the line in her two death scenes and her performance was overshadowed by the other girls. All four girls played dead well, flopping over and not reacting as the scientist examined their dead bodies. (Crista seemed to die fast, then open her eyes, and died again in her single death scene.)

Emese, Gaby, and Claudia came as close to fulfilling my dream erotic death fantasy as any genre actress has.

If I could make it again the way I wanted it:

The language, I would use a language I could understand. I would want the viewer to get the running-joke involving their clothes.

A little better f/x, adding, perhaps, digital gunshot visuals, and bullet-hole appliqués. I probably wouldn’t change the amount of blood.

A better sign.

Only one pistol. Except I might use the larger pistol so the volunteers could ooh and ahh about how big the gun is. (Double entendre.)

I might add a male company representative, who would only appear to introduce the female scientist, then leave the stage. Again, the scientist would speak English and better explain the test as it progressed. After she kills herself, the male announcer could reappear to examine (fondle) the dead bodies in place of the dead scientist. The scientist has to be more enthusiastic about promoting her product and overtly, even enthusiastically willing to die to finish her presentation.

I would use ten actress, each one a different character. But I would like each one to put in a performance to match( or exceed) Emese, Gaby, and Claudia. If I could get those three to speak English I would definitely use them again. After each volunteer dies, I would leave her body on stage, so by the end of the video, instead of a four-girl body pile, there would be a ten-girl body pile. The only thing I would add to their performance was better belly-clutching and more orgasmic moans as they die.

To Finish:

My thanks to Susy Gabrielle for making this video and special thanks to the actresses who brought my dream fantasy to life.
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Re: Review of Ballistics Test, produced in 2006

Post by Max5s »

I also enjoyed this video, and Ric is absolutely right about Emese. She nailed the performance in the manner he described in what was in my opinion, her best performance. She has returned to the stage, and perhaps another "Ballistics Test" is in order. :approve: :yes:
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Ric delCampo
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Re: Review of Ballistics Test, produced in 2006

Post by Ric delCampo »

Ballistics Test Screen Captures ... /BT/c1.jpg

This a sample of the expression on Crista’s face during most of the video. I did like that they didn’t skimp on the costumes and did use a Lab Coat for her, and the lab coat doesn’t hide her curves. ... T/EWD1.jpg

An example of how excited Emese played her part, just as I had written it. Contrast that to Crista’s expression-- no emotion. Scene One. Volunteer One, Emese, is about to die. ... T/gwd1.jpg

Scene Two, Two volunteers, Gaby and Claudia are about to die. Gaby plays it as excited. She is clapping.
Unfortunately, Claudia’s face is obscured. ... BT/cl1.jpg

Scene Two: Earlier in the scene Gaby and Claudia take off their clothes so they won’t get bullet holes or blood stains in their precious clothes. It’s okay that they get bullet holes and bloodstains in their lovely bodies. Each time an actress came out in a new scene as a new volunteer, she was wearing a different costume. (The panties stayed the same.) ... T/ewd2.jpg

Scene Three: The three volunteers line up to die. Again, Emese plays it just as I wrote it-- she is so excited to die and her body is vibrant. ... T/ewd3.jpg

Scene Three, later in the scene Crista switches to the bigger pistol; Emese is all smiles to see the bigger gun! ... inarow.jpg

Scene Four: This is one of my favorite fantasy images-- that is, a girl poking a pistol into her own belly, to kill herself for our viewing pleasure. Add to that another favorite image, that is several girls lining up in a row so they can all be killed at once, by the same bullet.
Crista doesn’t seem to be enjoying herself. I wrote her part so that when in Scene four only three volunteers show up, and she needs four volunteers, she adds herself to the line to finish the test. She didn’t necessarily need to be as excited as the other volunteers, but I would have like to see a bit more positive emotion. Compare her expression to Gaby’s happy face. Unfortunately, Claudia’s face is obscured. Anita plays it too neutral for me. ... BT/4bp.jpg

Near the end of Scene Four: In spite of everything else I’ve said about her, Crista makes an absolutely gorgeous corpse. Under that Lab Coat was a sexy string bikini. If Crista didn’t want to appear topless, she had a wardrobe failure, one nipple peeks out. She died too fast, later she will open her eyes, put the gun down, and die again.
Compare her expression to those of Gaby and Claudia. Claudia looks like she’s about to laugh. I don’t know if they were about to lose it or if their characters were really enjoying dying. I’ll pretend they were really enjoying dying. Anita has a more traditional grimace.
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Re: Review of Ballistics Test, produced in 2006

Post by Sophie1 »


many thanks for your review!

We are ready for a sequel!
With a lot of improvments and in English.

Please contact me, we are looking forward to it:

Susy Gabrielle
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