Uncle Buck's Blog

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Clash of Legends"

I believe that it was during the reign of King Saul that David met Goliath. The outcome of that confrontation made biblical history;
The two adversaries met on a field of battle and the outcome of the match was to decide which side was to claim victory.
What prompted the match was the desire to save lives on both sides.
It would seem that Talanis and Russlana in the "Clash of Legends" have the same motive in mind.
There's only one problem. As it turns out no one can claim a victory and so their contest settles nothing between the rival Amazon armies.
Click on Olaf's Messages to see his poster and for access to the Amazon Warriors site.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Tales From the Arena 4"

ZAHRAY is her queen's favorite gladiatrix, but she is tired of killing all the brave warriors just for the queen´s entertainment...
ZAHRAY is joined in this fourth episode of the Gladiatrix Arena by TALANIS, ZENOBIA, and AVERIA
Click on Olaf's Messages for his poster

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Tax Evasion"

Russlana is called to the queen´s leading tax collector.
She has to explain why her village hasn´t paid the tribute to the realm.
She begs for mercy, as her village is too poor to pay, but Talanis stands firm.
She tells Russlana that her village is of no use for the queen if they can´t pay...
This is a copy the text to Olaf's promo. But want the poster. Right? Click on Olaf's Messages

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Kill Bill"

Olaf's loyal patron, Commando commissioned Saphyra to "Kill Bill".
She oils herself up and does a pretty fair job of seduction
but it would seem that Bill was neither completely overcome nor even particularly impressed.
Alas for Saphyra. But did you really think that it would turn out any other way?
I have one comment that on second thought I think it best to keep to myself.
But if any of you are old enough, it was directed at drdon back when his site was in operation.
Click on Olaf's Messages for his poster.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's Fight Club

Here's one of Olaf's messages that I missed earlier on. It was released on the 14th. Sorry ... Here it is now.
Here´s another one for the lovers of intimate hand-to-hand-struggle:
Click on Olaf's Message for his poster

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Gun Fun Shootout 4"

Olaf turned Saphyra and Averia loose to do their own thing in this gun fun video.
Back in the day of the "Super 8 Club" we darn-near got ourselves expelled when we guys
turned the coeds loose during one of our filmed escapades.
They say that "Boys Will Be Boys" but let me tell you, the Girls can be Something Else!
Click on "Olaf's Messages" to read his description


And see whether I spelled the link to my website correctly?
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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Scalp Hunters"

Olaf has released "Scalp Hunters" in the realm of the Lethal Cowgirls.
It's a bit of a departure from the "gun fun" technique that he often employs
in that while the weapons used by the cowgirls are a German version of a "Buntline Special",
they fire laser beams rather than bullets.
Their victims appear to be dead but there is no bloody messiness.
I would recommend this video to those in the audience who have a foot fetish
as feet appear to play a significant role as the bodies are being accounted for.
(To my own way of thinking, feet are only to be used when no way of getting from one place to another is readily available ... But then ...)
Bonus footage includes greenscreen footage of solo performances as the warriors are shot down.
I don't quite know what the significance of the "greenscreen" may be, but here is an example of it in use.
Press Olaf's Messages for his poster and further explanation ...

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Deathpool"

One of Olaf's latest custom movies features TALANIS getting shot as she contemplates refreshing herself at the swimming pool ...
The shooting is filmed in GunFun-style, which means there´s only CGI-blood and no wounds on her body.
See the poster at Olaf's Messages.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Vanquished Warriors"

Olaf has released another photoset in his "Vanquished Warriors" series.
have all been accounted for.
Click on Olaf's Messages to see his poster.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "The Lithic Demon"

Olaf has released "The Lithic Demon" and I have to admit that he stumped me and I had to go look it up.
Lithic = pertaining to or consisting of stone. Oh? You knew that, did you? Well then, okay.
NYMERIA, AVERIA, SHEMINA, and THYARMIS are the enactors in this video
and rather than copy any of Olaf's descriptive text, I shall ask you to click on Olaf's Messages for the details.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's Agent Talanis

Once again Agent TALANIS doesn't fare too well in her latest episode ...
In point of fact, I don't think she survived it ...
But then, that's the way we prefer to see Olaf's Agents isn't it.
Check out the poster at Olaf's Messages then get on over to the Modern Amazons section to see Talanis in action.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Buck's "Amazon Guardians"

Amazon Guardians makes its way to the top of the list at the Amazons! Gallery.
With pictures drawn for the most part from Peter Cohen's camera, there are blades, bullets, an arrow or two, and even a stake ...
In other words, something "Amazonic" for almost everyone.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Heartless Amazons 1"

Olaf has released "Part 1" of what promises to be a major production.
The descriptive text for "Heartless Amazons" is quoted below:
"Averia is the last survivor of a bloody battle - all her sisters have been slain in cold blood...
Her queen calls her and sends her on a special mission which could turn the pages in the war.
She sneaks the enemy fortress and kills some of the sentries.
But the enemy is keeping a mortal secret..."
Features AVERIA, THYARMIS, ANTARIS, SAFO, and TALANIS in the roles of the Amazons.
See Olaf's poster at Olaf's Messages

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Servant of Fire"

Olaf has released "The Servant of Fire" with SARAMIS in the starring role (doesn't the victim always get First Billing? They did at one time). This is not to slight MORGANE in the least and Olaf can count himself fortunate (as I am sure that he does) that he has a production assistant who can do more than move equipment around and apply makeup to members of the cast. And I know that she can do that just fine after witnessing her

oiling up her victim to initiate the ceremony. As Olaf puts it, "Morgane is the servant of fire. She worships Hephaistos, the god of fire and devastation. And she praises the god with the blood of innocent young women..."

Check out his poster at Olaf's Messages.

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Re: Uncle Buck's Blog

Post by uncle_buck »

Olaf's "Agent Talanis - Safe-Cracker"

Talanis turns her hand to some unauthorized activity in this latest video placed under the Modern Amazons banner as "Agent Talanis - Safe Cracker". Either Talanis took too long in her attempt to open the safe, or someone tipped the guard off that an attempt at robbery was in progress, or it could be that Aeric has particulary good hearing and could hear the tumblers clicking. Who knows? It's for you to decide.

Check Olaf's poster at Olaf's Messages

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