Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

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Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Bluestone »

Hey All,

Here is a question that has been discussed indirectly for years, but I don't recall any such discussion going into any depth. We know that everyone has their favorite target areas, such as the tummy, the breast, and other parts of the female anatomy. For example, I have always been a breast man, both as a necro fetisher liking these target areas, and as a red-blooded male enjoying the bounce and jiggle of a female breast. So, for me, this target area makes sense as it relates directly to a favorite area of the female anatomy. That's why, although I film them, I don't always understand other target areas, such as the navel area, for example. Now, I don't know if my reason for loving breast shots is even shared by other breast shot enthusiasts. For example, some people want those shots directly into the nipples, while others want the nipples, or a least one of them, to remain intact, perhaps as a contrast with the ruined nipple. So, I'm sure there are many, many variations within each erogenous zone too.

What is your favorite target area and why? This isn't a poll or a way to determine the most popular target area. It is a study in why we have these death fetish erogenous zones in the first place, not only that they differ from one person to the next.

Anyone care to share?

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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by EvilBilly »

I'm also a breast-guy, although I don't mind a belly-shooting, either. I wish I could explain it, but I simply can't.
EvilBilly :twisted:

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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Rue Morgue »

For me, there's not just one "area". If there were, it wouldn't be "Area 51" "Area 69", maybe. :idea:

One of the important things for me is the position or posing of the victim. The other would be the death stare. So, while not a "target" area, the death stare is definitely an erogenous zone. There are a lot of things that contribute to an erotic scenario for me, also including a "limp" victim, some carries, the particular individual actress and the credibility with which she performs in her death scene.
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Dalila di Capri »


I wonder what I am going to say here??? (LOL)

Obviously belly wounds do it for me in terms of erotic attraction.

I love the process of dying...the slower the better.

I must say however that since going into this as an actress I have developed an appreciation for breast wounds as an aesthetic.

I have a general principle as an actress:

Clutch the belly but present the breast.

I have also enjoyed doing strangulation scenes but they need to be done with an actor who knows how not to strangle the actress and let her do all of the work.

That of course takes stage combat training...but instinct is also involved.

Paul I would never presume to tell you ANYTHING about special effects. You are the undisputed master of them in our community.

However if girls are laughing at you and not giving you the proper look of fear, or defiance, or realization of death...this is an issue of commitment to the character.

You are paying them so you have the right to demand that they give you what you want.

Quite frankly laughing over their own commitment to play the scene as you require is completley unforgivable and unprofessional. I would not put up with it for a second.

Tell them that Dalila wil ride a donkey to Texas and kick their sexy little asses if they don't stay in character!!

As for personal thrills:

Being gutted during sex...
Being gutted period
Anything involving spears...especially the idea of end to end a la Vlad the Impaler.
Belly bullet wounds.
Sex after being shot in the belly.....
And thick mouth blood

But we all have our special fantasy buttons don't we?? :wink:

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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by CapgunChuck »

Another great subject we'll all "beat around the bush" answering but not directly answering the "why" part of it, lol. I have a pretty good understanding of "how" my preferences developed, but not necessarily "why." An answer to "why" could require a book, lol.

My very favorite target area is between the legs. Why? My fantasy is what's called a sublimation fantasy. In the beginning, my unconscious mind substituted bullets or a knife for what should have been the male tool. The reasons for this include not knowing about "the birds and the bees" after already having developed sexually while having a strong appetite for sex, which became associated with guilt feelings and fear as a result of cultural inculcation and religious indoctrination, resulting in my unconscious mind clinging to something more "acceptable" (a gun or a knife rather than that "nasty" and "sinful" male organ). Also, there were events in very early childhood play of neighborhood girl and me playing doctor and shooting each other in belly and removing bullet with toy doctor tools and other events associated with that play which I won't delve into. Later on, when I was a little older, again surrounded by girls, we watched Joan Collins in "I Saw What You Did on TV." During the commercials, the girls took turns having me stab them, imitating the scene where Joan Collins got stabbed in the belly during an embrace. At the time I thought it was silly; there was no arousal; I was doing what the girls wanted me to do. But my unconscious mind later connected all this childhood play over the years with arousal, which was later reinforced by scenes from various movies time and time again (two of the movies affecting me were Stanley Kubrick's "The Killing" and the original release of "Dr. No" when I was nine or ten years old).

The earliest versions of the fantasy began with one shot or one stab between the legs. However, over the years, it evolved into something a little different from its original form: multiple stabs and multiple shots to that area and/or anything near the area, mainly lower belly. I enjoy seeing well-done films with nearby areas as the target as long as they're near the center of the body (not thighs or buttocks or hips, etc.). I believe the multiple shots or multiple knife thrusts evolved in an attempt to prolong the orgasm. The reactions of the actress associated with gunshots and knife thrust became the all-important factor. I could enjoy movies that didn't have those particular target areas as long as the actress was attractive and a well performed reaction with sexy or erotic vocalizations, and was turned on especially by the movie scenes filmed in such a way that enough was left to the imagination that I could imagine the action occurring to my favorite targets.

The fantasy also evolved a little different for knives versus guns. With knives, the primary target is always be lower belly and between legs; the closer to the genitals, the more erotic. With guns, the target area may sometimes include at least one shot to nipples of each breast; the closer to the nipple, the more erotic it becomes; but the belly or between legs or both always must come first, lol.

That's the briefest description I can provide of how my favorite targets developed. Sorry if I rambled and for grammatical errors. This post is a quick "thinking out loud" type reply.

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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Tkiller »

If any of you know me, you know that breasts are my only desired targets. I think I concentrate on those because they are something that differentiates a woman from a man. I have a belly and a head, so seeing them shot there does not really do anything for me. I think it all started by seeing women posing in pictures wayyyy back looking down and clutching their breast. I liked that and thought that shooting or stabbing there would lead to them clutching themselves like that. And it turned out that my first such feelings were realized when I saw Dr. No in the theater. That just happened to be the target of that famous shooting.
To make things even more specific, I like the shot or stab to be into the nipple, or very close to it. I think the way that started out was that it represented the centre of the breast, thus it was a bullseye. I much prefer the victim clothed, so getting it there just means it is in the fullest part of the breast. It only has to be close when they are clothed.
There are other factors in my liking of a scene, such as clothing, the attractiveness of thw oman, or the setting or story behind it, the acting, reactions etc. but this thread is just about specific targets.
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by JamesS »

It is amazing how broad yet specific fetishes are. Like KHP and Dalila di Capri, I enjoy the navel shooting/stabbing--and the belly clutch! :idea: Shame I missed your page when it was open, Dalilia :cry:

Strangulation, for example, does nothing for me. Clearly others want it or there wouldn't be pages with videos devoted to it. Breast shootings? A "heart shot" on a clothed woman is fine but otherwise it does not work for me. Clearly others want it.

Genital area :eek:

I think it was Blue who explained the fetish coming from the only thing approaching an orgasm on old television/movies was a woman being shot/stabbed/folded/spindled. Belly wounds were a favorite way to "dispatch" an actress and women reacted "like" a sexual experience. It may be, for me, hard to imagine that from a wound in the nipple :eek: or "other areas" :eek:
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Dalila di Capri »

It has occurred to me that Blue is also asking WHY we like what we like.

As the target of the fantasy violence I like it because the sensation I imagine is similar to sex.

I also like the way it looks. There is something so incredibly erotic about watching the blood ooze out. The bleeding is like an hour glass. Slowly as blood pours our time is running out for the victim.

Her opportunity to save herself dwindles with each passing breath. Eventually a moment comes to her when she realizes that she is about to die. Her life passes before her eyes.

She is never more alive than those last few seconds before death freezes her final thought upon her face....

The drama alone is enough to cause a poweful sexual thrill

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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by TenderFlesh »

Wow, what an interesting thread. So many interesting thoughts by so many WISE forum members. That's what I love about this forum!!!! As for me I love shootings and I am one who, like Delilah, loves a slow death. I love breast wounds but they would too often be near fatal as they would impact the lungs beneath her beautiful breasts so I really like wounds to non-fatal areas like legs, hips, abdomens, before the breast wounds. There is little sexier to me that a women lying on her back taking a deep breath which lifts her ribcage and breasts, exposing her flattened abdomen and a row of ribs exposed along her side. A bullet or blade in those ribs I find very sexy (Paul's blade into Kendal's ribs in Insurance Kill was SO SEXY).

I also do not understand the navel target, which does nothing for me. I have, though ,come to enjoy wounds to a womans' "key to the world", her vagina (with which women pretty much rule us men). Perhaps I enjoy that because of how so many women tease us men with the pursuit of what we so often end up not getting :?

I can't wait to read more of this thread and now you have my two cents worth. TF
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Max5s »

My favorite target area as far back as I can remember has been the female navel. I not completely sure why (it looks cool to me), but I can make some guesses and suggest a few things that reinforced this choice.

When I was a kid and beginning to take an interest in women, James Bond was Mr. Suave and many of the women in the Bond films were running around in bikinis, and I was rather fascinated by Ursula Andres in “Dr. No.” Yes I noticed her breasts, but my eyes were drawn to her belly. One (of many) nice thing about bikinis is the total exposure of the belly button and in the late 60s and 70s, there were plenty cute navels to admire.

Later on, I read an article in Time Magazine about women’s swimsuits. One commentator remarked, “Should all this effort be expended in pursuit of a better way to expose a woman’s navel?” followed by a rhetorical, “Why not?” I was impressed by the fact that someone else found navels interesting (this was 1968), and the fact that I still remember the quote seems to be a measure of my curiosity both now and then. At about the same time, I began to think in terms of action adventure themes where the heroine or the “bad” girl would meet her demise with a bullet or a blade in the gut. About a year later, I stumbled into some books by Mickey Spillane that I really liked. One was “Survival Zero”, where he actually talked about a female character’s navel having eyelashes painted around it. I kept hoping she’d get it, but it never happened. Then I read, “I, the Jury”. Charlotte was a very bad lady with a nasty habit of shooting dum dums into peoples’ guts. When Mike Hammer let her strip naked in front of him and then shot her in the belly, all the reasons for killing her like that came to mind. As Spillane said, she wouldn’t die fast. She’d get it right in the gut with a steel jacked slug that would be as effective as ten dum dums. It would go in neat, right in the soft part of the belly. She’d stagger back a step, her eyes a symphony of incredulity. She’d look down at the bullet hole. And she would feel the deep penetration, the grand morte shared with the petite morte. Those are the answer to the why question and I thought, WOW! And I also thought, “Oh sh*t, I’m the only person that feels this way.”

But I was hooked and spent the next 25 years looking for and imagining that kind of scene. I had my hopes dashed when I saw the remake of “I, the Jury” in 1981 or 82. “Satan’s Blade” came pretty close, as did “Burial of the Rats”. “Deathstalker 2” hit the mark, but then Monique Gabrielle went up in smoke. Damn! Hollywood has an affinity for showing the navel, but a phobia about using it as a target. Near misses are the norm (just like nipples).

But in the mid 90s the Internet brought in NB and things have exploded since then. Lissa Nobel, Ashley Redwine, Petra Morgan, Suzi Leigh, Britton, Jessica P, Elle Tyler, Alexxia, Orsi, Ildiko and many more have acted out these scenes much to my enjoyment.
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by JamesS »

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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by hucklebury »

Dalila di Capri wrote:
As for personal thrills:

Being gutted during sex...
Being gutted period
Anything involving spears...especially the idea of end to end a la Vlad the Impaler.
Belly bullet wounds.
Sex after being shot in the belly.....
And thick mouth blood

I like watching dalila. What she said!
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by gold »

Enjoy ""the caint we work this out" scenario and the targets that become the focus of the effort.Have to chime in that Blonde and curves in all areas are appealing and no problem with where the producer targets the action.Fx and a little blood from the models mouth is a plus. Howerver as they say maybe Blonds are sexy but all models who perform for us are beautiful.
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by Blue Ribbon »

If you are a vampire or a strangler...the female neck rules the world!!! :cool:

I LOVE female legs also. My perfect fantasy is: caress her legs before strangle her!!!
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Re: Death Fetish Erogenous Zones!

Post by SaucySailor »

There are not target areas for me. I just don't like when blood is irrealistic a lot of or too little.
Also I don't like too vulgar poses.
I like when "victim" lies limp and it seems serenely, I like some bloody mouth (it is aesthetically and realistic if she's shot or stabbed in the chest or neck or belly), I like eyes open wide in seeming wondered death stare or open wide/half-closed and some rolled up just like in the last orgasm. I like when the legs of the face down lying "victim" are some apart and not bound and arms are outspread.
It needs more blood and tits!
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