"Kat #9 – Progenitor Down"

Reviews of Bluestone's videos can be posted to this forum. Bluestone also distributes the UKSG Classics, so those reviews will be placed here too. Bluestone's videos feature beautiful women in sexy attire, including some nudity, but with no explicit sexual content. Most of the videos are crime dramas and the M.O.'s include shootings, stabbings, strangulations, drownings, arrowings, hangings, electrocutions, and various other methods of demise.

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What is your main fetish?: Mainly Shootings & Stabbings However... I do enjoy various other types of death scenes.
Why do you want to join this forum?: I am a co-founder & co-designer
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Referral: G-Man

"Kat #9 – Progenitor Down"

Post by G-Man »

"Kat #9 – Progenitor Down" :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:

For us who love both shootings and stabbings... I found a great must have title in Blues’ library... ” "Kat #9 – Progenitor Down" is one that should never leave you disappointed!!! It is the final part of his 9 part "Kat of 9 Tales" series.

Blue’s Synopsis
It all ends here, but how does it end? Kat is impaled with a tossed knife, then Locke makes sure with two well-placed bullets. It looks like the hitman has finally solved the mystery of the unkillable cat burglar... or has he? Guess you'll have to view the video to find out :)

G-Man's Review
This video starts off at the last death scene from episode 8, where a clone of Kat is caught by Locke lying down sleeping face up.
Soon after as Kat opens her eyes... Locke is standing over her ready to plunge a knife into her. Now showing great fear in her eyes... Locke plants the knife deep into Charlene’s chest three times before finally slitting her throat .
Charlene really gets into her death scene very well... giving fine facial & body reactions and dying moans. Plus she wears a hot, hot skin tight, one piece leopard outfit that gives her scene the icing on the cake.
Shortly after this Charlene dies... another one (Charlene) and also wearing the same type of skin tight outfit, comes in the room packing a Uzi to nail Locke.
But Locke is too fast for her and before she can squeeze the trigger... Locke throws and plants his knife in her chest.
She jerks back from the impact of the knife... still staggering her finger also clamps down on the trigger and with her gun now firing wildly for some seconds.
Then bouncing back against the door , clutching her chest wound and dropping her gun.... she first looks down at her damage and then looks up at her killer...
all the while performing great facials and reactions to her pending demise. Then Locke does not waste much time... he now fires his handgun at her and planting a slug into Charlene’s soft left breast. She reacts from the lead impact by doing a great death dance type of a move... hips swaying... tits bouncing and showing off her nice nipples showing thru her sheer outfit.
Now Charlene gasping for life and struggling to keep standing... Locke then puts a final round into Charlene’s pretty head... giving us more of her great facials and body jerks... then slowly sliding down to the floor into a sitting position with her eyes open looking straight out in a death stare.

Hits & Misses
All around Charlene looks and acts really smoking hot in her death scenes, especially her knife /shooting scene where we see her do a great death dance with her gun blazing, body jerking and her nicely formed breasts bouncing!!!
In her knifing death scene... it would have been just a bit better if she moved her arms a bit more when the knife was being plunged in her.
Also... Blue could have tightened the editing in Charlene’s knife / shooting... there seemed to be two extra short cuts in the final editing then needed.
With all that being said... Charlene greatly makes up for any of the minor criticisms mentioned above.

If you like to see women being killed in skin tight outfits... this video is a must!!!
This video is well worth the price!!!
G-Man rates it as a “MUST HAVE”!!!

:approve: :approve: :approve: :approve: :approve:
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Re: "Kat #9 – Progenitor Down"

Post by gold »

Agree the best of the series ,she did a great job and one of Blues early most creative ..FX.A good one thanks G man
Triple Nickle
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Re: "Kat #9 – Progenitor Down"

Post by Triple Nickle »

Your review made me dig out my Kat collection again and yes!
her shooting and stabbing scene is the best of the bunch :yes:
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