Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Xukpi »

Thanks a lot, Bluestone, for all the information you delivered !

It is nice to see 'behind the curtains' professional behavior from actors, actresses we love so much.
And a precious piece of biography in a sector which appears so shady to non informed or misinformed people.

Merry Christmas !

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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by tommygun »

It was great! Thanks, Blue! And have a great holiday season!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Snuff Princess »

Everything you posted here was a lot of fun to read. Whether you continue it or not, I'm glad you shared what you did with us.
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript!

Post by Bluestone »

I may continue this blog after all, now that Christmas and New Year's festivities are past.

I've heard a lot from those who have been listening to that other podcast where LaDonna Humphrey and sidekick Alecia seem to think that what we talk about on FF is horrible and scary, when those two living in their glass houses think that it's fine to lie and mislead and slander in order to make money from their lame podcast. I'd love to be at one of their bull sessions. Here's how it no doubt goes:

LaDonna: What facts do we have on this Bluestone character, Alecia?

Alecia: Not much, but I hear that he's Canadian, so why don't we do a podcast starting by maligning the whole country.

LaDonna: Sounds brilliant, Al! We can start off with stories of real serial killers from Canada and segue into the Bluestone story. We don't know a lot about him or his real life, so let's make up the rest.

Alecia: Sure. It's not like this is real reporting where we have to stick to facts. Oh, and we can say that he's been stalking models and that he is out of control and is a dangerous offender who should seek psychiatric help.

LaDonna: Yes. Of course. No one will listen unless we tie him into the stories of those other Canadian serial killers. Who knows when this guy may snap and start actually committing murders... if he hasn't already. No woman is safe with him lurking the streets of Toronto, Canada!

Well, no doubt, that's how they come up with this tripe. I mean, after all, they don't want facts to get in the way of a real scary story... and, of course, podcast profits! LOL!

I think I'll put the anecdote episode on hold, and continue with "Bluestone Breaks Taboos", coming soon! Oh, and it'll be the truth and completely free... unlike some scandalous material out there!


P.S. Nancy Drew, er., I mean Ladonna, seems to approve of illegally posting stills from Bluestone female death scenes on her sites, since she is herself a scofflaw, so you might as well enjoy a legal version of the following Petra pic... no doubt taken after I had tracked her down and murdered her in cold blood for kicks! LOL!
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Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Bluestone »

"Episode 7: Bluestone Breaks Taboos"!

Well, how did I go from not being able to understand the death of the beautiful Marilyn Monroe to filming death scenes of beautiful women? Well, I agree that it doesn't make logical sense, but that's because it's not based upon the standards that many judgmental people use to describe what they do not understand. Anything involving violence against women is lumped into the term 'misogyny'. In short, misogyny is defined as: "hatred of, aversion to, or prejudice against women". Hmmm. Well, that certainly does not apply to me, not to most members of this site. I, for one, love and respect women, just as I respect all people. Why then this fascination with women. Well, I call it normal heterosexual desire for persons of the opposite sex. I guess 'lust' is looked down upon these days, but it's not foreign to this discussion, but drives it.

You see, Ladonna and her sidekick have nothing to fear from me at all, because I do not find them attractive, and my desires would not be wasted on them. So, if lust drives my desires, it would be lust of those women who I find most desirable.

Now, for the taboos. Growing up, I and other boys were told not to hit girls. That was a taboo. I had no problem with such a rule, because I had no desire to hurt girls. In fact as a young boy I had an early interest in pretty girls. I really thought they were special, but, of course, I didn't have the nerve to even speak to them. I was quite shy at that stage of my life.

A second taboo was the secret of what adult couples did when alone with one another. I mean, I watched movies, and I found female movie stars attractive, but there was something called X-rated or Restricted movies that only adults could view, and they seemed to all involve sex and violence that was inappropriate for kids to watch. Hmmmm. Ever wondered why sex and violence were reserved for adults? I did!

The final taboo was that people should not kill other people, except for in war and other limited exclusions. This final taboo appeared to only apply to real life death though, since I grew up in a world where TV westerns and crime dramas always littered the set with dead people by the time the show ended.

Anyway, I ended up seeing black and white movies on TV and was there exposed to the violence against beautiful women, but not the sex. Then, James Bond movies came along, and again there were beautiful women who died in these movies, but limited sex. Obviously, my young mind began to wonder, for example, how could anyone, especially a male, kill such beautiful women. How could someone kill Marilyn Monroe, like the conspiracy theories were intimating?

Anyway, for one reason or another, my mind began to fantasize about those taboo subjects. What was it like for these men who were killing beautiful spy girls. What were they feeling. Looking at these gorgeous women, all I could feel was lust.

Remember Shirley Eaton's dead half-naked body painted in gold in Goldfinger? Tell me this scene doesn't mix sex with violence and break all of the above taboos.
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What about Hitchcock's "Psycho"? Was a beautiful woman, naked in a shower, not an overly sexualized way to show a murder? You're damn right it was!
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Thus began my journey into the world of the taboo... and what did I learn during this journey?

I learned that a huge number of mainstream people loved horror movies, where beautiful women and vibrant young men were murdered, sometimes in horrible ways, and often after sex!

In "Scary Movie", a terrified Carmen Electra was stabbed to death following a slow motion dash through the sprinklers dressed only in bra and panties. Does that mainstream movie not break all of the taboos?
Carmen.jpg (11.64 KiB) Viewed 2153 times
So, why is it evil for me to fantasize about scenes like this? I would never, ever try to chase a beautiful girl dressed in bra and panties through a set of sprinklers and then stab her in her ample bosom... but the mainstream audience sure got a thrill out of it, didn't they?

So, it seems like it is fine to fantasize about breaking these societal taboos... becoming the villain in James Bond or Scary Movie scenarios, as long as it is only in one's imagination, or for cinema, role play or other make believe purposes, and as long as no one gets hurt.

That's why I've explored this taboo dimension in over 1,000 videos wherein not one single sexy lady was ever hurt or ever forced to play her role.

Here's Petra being axed, for example, in Bluestone's "Horror Movie 2"...
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I'll step down from my soapbox for now, and I hope you enjoyed the above reflections and how I came to accept the fact that my fantasies are not out of control, and certainly would never lead me down a path of violence towards women... or towards anyone. That's just not what it's about.

So, enjoy this fantasy playground for what it truly is... an exploration of taboos in a completely safe environment. The scariest people here are those judgmental, narrow minded bigots like LaDonna and crew who sometimes pose as fetishers to cause psychological harm to innocent people while trying to make us out to be the bad guys! They live in glass houses and certainly are not without sin, and therefore not worthy to ever cast the first stone against the good people of FF!

'Nuff said and God Bless until next episode!

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Snuff Princess »

Thank you for your excellent insights here, Blue! And I'm sorry these nutcases have been making stuff up about you.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with you fantasizing about killing pretty girls, just as there's nothing wrong with me fantasizing about being killed. And yes, from time to time, also killing pretty girls (and guys too!).

It's a shame that people like to demonize the things that they don't understand, but it's even worse when things are fabricated along the way for the purpose of selling books and capitalizing off of listens and views.

Thanks for your continued friendship, too. It's meant a lot to me :X
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by redking »

Hi Blue !... ;-)

Above all, Best wishes to you and your family, as well as to the great community here, with a better year 2023 than 2022 for all !... :yes:

I'm sorry if I don't participate much here on the posts anymore, but I've been at a loss and lacking in inspiration for some time, and also sorry for sometimes spamming my preferences in relation to your videos, and especially in relation to my favorite actresses here... :cry: :?

I found your podcast here absolutely brilliant, because I learned a lot more thanks to you about the medium in a cinematographic way, and especially about your beginnings with the actresses but also the other producers, of which I already knew some videos, but I didn't know you were behind some of them, especially for my favorite of all: "slain in silk" with our goddess "Miss Petra", :love: and who made me discover all the others... :pc: :clap:

Especially since on my side, I was already doing and drawing fetish even before discovering your site and the other forums, and I also thank you for having accepted my registration a few years ago, and for having also accepted that I can sharing my art with you, it inspires me a lot, hence my latest creations with as inspiration and muse precisely Petra, my favorite of all your muses, even if I really like Suzi, Yvonne, Lynda and Emma G too, and that I really liked Meredtith for some videos, as well as many others... :razz: :love:

And just for all that, I will always be a big fan of your videos, even if I have some very sharp preferences, and so a big thank you to you, hoping that it will last a long time, with new nuggets sometimes close to my art... :mrgreen:

Sincerely thanks !... :yes: :approve:
Redking is here ! :cool: :twisted: :mrgreen:
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Awol Nate »

I tried listening to their podcast. I can't. I just can't. I will not give them the time of day. They are ignorant and desperate for an audience.
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Bluestone »

Yes, best to not encourage them by listening to their lies! They have it all wrong about me, including who I really am. Just wild guesses and a huge dose of alternate facts. They obviously took a page out of Trump's playbook. LOL!

If you want the truth, tune in to this thread, not their lying podcast.

Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by xj900uk »

Bluestone wrote: Fri Jan 06, 2023 11:48 am Yes, best to not encourage them by listening to their lies! They have it all wrong about me, including who I really am. Just wild guesses and a huge dose of alternate facts. They obviously took a page out of Trump's playbook. LOL!

If you want the truth, tune in to this thread, not their lying podcast.

"Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. We can sell it just right, and the public will lap it up as the truth."

- Newspaper tycoon Randolph Hearst.
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Bluestone »

"Episode 8: Fun Filming Bluestone Videos"!

You heard me right! I had loads of fun filming my Bluestone videos, but surprisingly for me, the models/actresses who I worked with also enjoyed filming. Meredith would call it my 'murder series', and she was always up for doing more.

Petra was always upbeat and enjoyed the content. She understood me completely, accepting my fetish as a harmless quirk, and playing into it. You'll see a lot of her playful activity in the out-takes. For example, when I once directed her to kick while she was being strangled in a desk chair to show some leg, she raised both legs and spread them, and we both broke into laughter. Here's a still from the "Late Shift" Out-Takes as she begins to break a smile.
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There are so many occasions where Petra and I found reason to kid around and enjoy our filming, usually when it was only the two of us, and we didn't adversely affect other people's performances. Once she tried to play a joke on me by ignoring my knock on her hotel room door one morning, knowing that I would assume that she was in the washroom or changing and use my spare key card to enter and wait for her. This was our understood arrangement, but this time, she was waiting behind the door to jump out and yell 'Boo'! She was disappointed that I didn't react. "Come on, Blue. Look a little scared. I've been waiting around to do that for a half hour!" Well, I was surprised that she went out of her way to play a joke on me, but really, can you see yourself being scared when discovering someone who looked like this behind a door...?
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Here's the scene that was playing out in my mind instead...
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When Petra and I filmed on location at Niagara Falls, we first enjoyed the Falls together, because she had never visited them before. Over lunch, she shared stories of her life as I did mine, because we had become good friends by that point, and she even asked for my advice on certain issues. When we finally started filming, she performed a bathtub drowning in my hotel room. When we finished the scene, she had to go back to her room down the hall, in order to change into her next costume. She wrapped herself in a bathrobe, walked to the door, then realized that her hair was still damp and dishevelled from her 'murder'. She turned back to me and said, "If anyone asks what happened to me, I'll tell them that you brutalized me, Blue". Then, she flashed a smile and disappeared into the corridor.
Petra at Niagara 2.jpg
Petra at Niagara 2.jpg (2.12 MiB) Viewed 1900 times
One of my earliest actresses, Charlene, also had no problem with the content, and even offered her parents' sprawling business offices for filming one Sunday for part of a 9 part series entitled "Kat of 9 Tales", where she played clones, at least one of whom died every episode. Now, of course, she got her parents' permission, but she was more surprised than me when her mother showed up during filming a strangle scene on one of the offices desks. (See below)
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This had never happened to me before! I introduced myself, then Charlene told her Mom to keep quiet while we shot the scene. Charlene was seated on the desk pretending to finish a call. The actor playing the killer sneaked up behind her, wound a garotte around her neck, pulled her back onto the desk and started to strangle her. I was, of course, concerned, but then I heard it. We had to stop filming. Her mother was giggling. Not sure if it was a nervous reaction or not, but Charlene went over to her, told her off for ruining the take, and told her that she would have to leave if she couldn't stay quiet. When it happened a second time, Charlene apologized to me, took her mother aside and told her that she would have to leave. I, of course, was relieved, because we take a long time filming our strangle scenes, and I really didn't feel comfortable with the actress' mother in the room while we filmed her daughter dying on screen. LOL!

Previously, we had filmed at Charlene's home, while her boyfriend was at work. He came home just before we completed filming, and was greeted with this scene of his girlfriend apparently dead and bloodied on the living room sofa. She smiled, but no real explanation was required. After all, everyone knows filming is only make believe, so he left his bloodied girlfriend on the sofa and headed to the local pub to await her 'all clear' call. It was a real relief to me that he took the scene with good humour, since he was built like "The Rock". LOL!
KatDeadPhoto.jpg (40.24 KiB) Viewed 1900 times
There are loads more stories of fun on the set, like when Suzi was all dressed for a negligee scene to be filmed in my hotel room, this scene...
Suzifulldeadbodyview.jpg (51.35 KiB) Viewed 1900 times
Just as we were about to film, and luckily before the fake blood was applied, the fire alarm sounded. Panic set in, me trying to cover up the fact that we were filming, and Suzi trying to cover up her half naked body so that we could exit before the flames claimed us. Dean, falsely and jokingly, claimed later that Suzi and I were pushing little kids out of the way to get down the stairs first. Though it was a false alarm, I think Suzi and I were more worried about getting caught filming than getting out of the building.

Then, there was the first scene we shot with Victor, who had driven from Toronto to New Jersey to film with us. When he arrived, Suzi was already dressed in a similar negligee, so I introduced Suzi to Victor, then told him to get into bed with her for the first scene. The colour drained from his face. Obviously, he was terribly worried that he had driven 12 hours to take part in a porn shoot. Suzi quickly put him at ease, saying casually, "Not that type of bedroom scene, Vic. You just have to kill me." Suzi was always quite at ease with our material, since she was a big horror movie fan. She actually preferred buckets of blood as opposed to the limited quantities that we used to preserve the victim's beauty throughout the death scenes. I remember Suzi almost breaking into song when she was supposed to be shot at the start of a scene. Before I called 'action', she looked up at the camera and said, "Hit me with your best shot!"

I guess those are the type of anecdotes you were looking for, but there are thousands of them, because for the most part filming these scenarios was a heck of a lot of fun for all involved. There was nothing sinister or creepy about our filming at all, and our actresses' were always treated like stars with a lavish dinner and drinks every night following filming!

Below is a pic of Tiffany at our local restaurant after finishing filming for the day. This girl NEVER takes a bad photo!

Blue&TiffanyCropped3.jpg (121.84 KiB) Viewed 1890 times
Bluestone's Silk Videos - Producer of Sexy Crime Dramas and Superheroine Films featuring HOT actresses!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Xukpi »

Great behind-the-scene comments and pics, Blue !

:approve: :lol2:
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by CinemorgueFan »

The difference between mainstream media deaths and death fetish is intent. Mainstream media deaths are considered acceptable because the intent of the death aligns with the mainstream reaction. The deaths of Shirley Eaton in Goldfinger and Janet Leigh in Psycho were intended to be shocking, which is the mainstream response. They emphasize surprise / horror over the death (the former is off-screen; the latter doesn't show the actual stabbing) and the sex (no explicit nudity in either, right down to having Shirley Eaton in a thong instead of fully nude). That's how they avoid breaking the biggest taboos.

In Scary Movie, the death of Carmen Electra is intended as humor. Death isn't always funny in a mainstream context, but the film depicts the scene as absurd and divorced from reality (along with being a parody of Drew Barrymore's death in Scream), which creates humor to the mainstream. The emphasis is on the humor - the slow-motion sequence reinforces this is not a serious murder, the killer gets silicone on his knife from stabbing her boob, she inexplicably has no serious injuries from being sent airborne by a car (driven by a guy getting road head, no less), and most importantly, the actual death is entirely off-screen. There really aren't any taboos broken here.

Death fetish, of course, has a sexual intent and that's where the conflict with the mainstream lies. It doesn't align with the mainstream reaction. The mainstream is shocked by the content and they're even more shocked about the content being intended for a positive, sexual purpose. It's completely at odds with how they would react. That's the taboo.

I don't think the mainstream will ever understand death fetish because of this contrast in perceiving the material. That's their right - just as it's the right of the death fetish community to enjoy it. Problems arise when the mainstream starts antagonizing the community over just their fetish. If they're not harming anyone, let people enjoy what they want. Anyone who doesn't like death fetish should either ignore it or come up with their own scenarios of the victim getting back at the killer.
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by Snuff Princess »

Thank you very much for sharing all of this with us, Blue! These photos are great and these personal anecdotes are a lot of fun too.

While it's absolutely clear that the girls had a great time filming with you, that goes against the narrative that certain people want to tell. So, as a result, they'll either omit these details or find some way to twist them.

Regardless, I appreciate your efforts to continue to set the record straight and to share a bit of your world with us.
The Mistress of Deadly Desires!
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Re: Bluestone's Official Podcast Transcript - Revived!

Post by xj900uk »

I love the extra scenes that Blue sometimes includes at the end of his movies, or as additional releases - all the fluffed lines, rehersal footage, and also practicing some scenes. You can tell that the actreses are genuinely interested in their work, often having a good laugh with the actors and also production crew, and really enjoying themselves. Also the fact that they come back timeafter time to do more death-fetish movies in a similar vein indicates that they enjoy the work, and also they are not being vicitimised, used, or taken advantage of by Blue and his Crew.

LaDonna and Alessia should look at these additional scenes, and then ask themselves if the actresses are being taken advantage of - one of the main arguments in their PodCasts is that evil Producers like Blue and John M exploit their actresses or force them into scenes against their will, or make them do stuff which they are not comfortable with.
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