The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by JIMBO »

circum95 wrote: Sat Mar 19, 2022 7:04 am Got inspired to some artwork by page 144. Agent 0008 feels compelled to fill a nude girl with bullets.
I haven't said how much I like this image! :clap: Excellent reaction! And your using a mirror to show two different angles/views! :approve: Keep up the good work!

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

Agent 0008 terminates a MEPHISTO agent who tried to seduce him.

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by JIMBO »

circum95 wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 7:40 am Agent 0008 terminates a MEPHISTO agent who tried to seduce him.

Nice! :clap: He got her when she reached for her hidden weapon under the pillow!

But... she presented such a tempting target (her ASS), and he didn't take it?? :roll:


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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Outstanding artwork! Excellent imaginings of the world of 0008!

Sorry I've been inactive for a while, but I'm back now, and I've got the "bodycount" report for the next book in Clyde Allison's 0008 series: Go-Go Sadisto!

This book is essentially a two-part story: The first half features 0008 training a new SADISTO agent, Cadet Juliet Jones (described as having waist-length reddish-blonde hair, a 40-20-38 figure, and "long, luscious legs"); as she goes through the training process, she gradually goes from wide-eyed innocent to wild-eyed bloodthirsty maniac.

The second half of the book follows 0008 and Juliet as they carry out their new mission for the General: 0008 is assigned to meet with the 7 members of the US Olympics' Women's Tic-Tac-Toe Team (yes, that's an example of Allison's mixing silliness in with the erotica and violence) and determine which of them is a terrorist out to spread a botulism plague into America's water supply. 0008 is to see each suspect one by one, seduce them into revealing their guilt...and if they don't reveal their guilt, kill them anyway just in case. Juliet is to accompany him as back-up and to practice her killing skills.

Here's the page-by-page bodycount:

Page 6: In a flashback, 0008 remembers how he had to shoot his wife Laura in the stomach on her wedding night, after she confessed that she was a Communist agent.

Page 10: Another flashback, as 0008 recalls his assassination of a Chinese "neutralist," Madame Phu, shooting her in her "soft but vulnerable torso" after she got out of the shower and walked towards him seductively.

Page 20: An elderly SADISTO agent, Granny Jenkins, mentions to 0008 that two other agents, Tina and Gus, were captured in Albania and dropped into a vat of acid (after Tina was raped first).

Page 54: The General and 0008 show Cadet Juliet Jones what awaits her if she flunks her training, showing her film footage of the nude Cadet Smith being executed by a firing squad.

Page 87: Another agent-in-training, the busty blonde Cadet Ilsa, goes through an obstacle course (fully nude) and winds up falling into a pool of piranha. 0008 tells Juliet that the obstacle course was rigged for Ilsa to fail because they knew Ilsa was really an East German spy rather than a West German ally.

Page 90: Juliet is ordered to execute another "Cadet" (again, a spy rather than a real ally), the Vietnamese Cadet Sayonara, in a challenge to see whether a trained knife-fighter (Juliet) can kill an unarmed martial-arts expert (Sayonara). Juliet and Sayonara (both nude) begin fighting to the death, a fight which ends when Juliet slashes Sayonara's stomach vertically, with the still-living Sayonara clutching her belly to hold herself together, until Juliet finishes her off by throwing her knife into Sayonara's left breast.

Page 106-107: Juliet is given "target practice" on enemy agent prisoners (as usual, all of them nude women) who are released into the shooting range and try to run for the exit before being shot. Juliet uses a Tommy-gun to shoot a Chinese prisoner and then a long-haired blonde prisoner, then switches to a pistol to shoot a dark-haired prisoner (first making her fall with a shot to the hip, then finishing her with a shot to the left breast).

Page 124: With Juliet's training finished, the mission to liquidate the Women's Tic-Tac-Toe Team has begun. The first on the list, voluptuous brunette Susan Sanders, is lying naked in her bedroom after sex with 0008 when 0008 steps out for a drink. 0008 meets with Juliet, who is carrying something in a fishing net, and Juliet asks if she can carry out the assignment. Juliet goes into the bedroom, and 0008 hears Susan screaming horribly before going silent. Juliet returns and explains that she caught some Portuguese man-o-war jellyfish and dumped them onto Susan, and they stung her to death. After dragging Susan's body out into the ocean, it will look like an unfortunate skinny-dipping accident.

Page 127: A throwaway line of dialogue has 0008 use the phrase "Hobson's choice," then clarify that he's referring to SADISTO Agent Hobson, who didn't know which of a pair of twin sisters was an enemy agent, so he killed them both.

Page 134: Amazonian blonde Vanessa Vincent goes skiing in the nude after sex with 0008. As 0008 waits for her to come into range so he can shoot her, he's surprised that Juliet set up a death-trap that beats him to it, as Vanessa is bisected vertically by a wire ("She swerved in both directions") that Juliet had strung up between the ski lift overhead and a stake she had planted in the ground.

Page 148: Sexy albino Kate Kellog goes skinny-dipping in an underground river after making love with 0008 in a cave, and is stabbed to death by Juliet, who had been lying in wait in her scuba gear.

Page 150-151: While the first three on the hit list got entire chapters for their sex scenes and death scenes, the remaining members of the team are dispatched quickly in brief passages. Creole Corinne Calypso is killed by Juliet in a "horrible, incredibly sadistic" way that even 0008 doesn't want to describe. Blonde Terre Taylor is blown up when Juliet throws a grenade into her wedding ceremony. Maureen O'Malley is hacked to death with an axe by Juliet. Redhead Tina Tompkins falls to her death skydiving after Juliet tampers with her parachute.

Page 152: 0008 contacts The General and is told that, with the mission accomplished, Juliet's services are no longer needed (and they can't take the chance of her being captured and interrogated). 0008 ties Juliet to a case of dynamite and lights the fuse.

Page 159: After 0008 returns to SADISTO headquarters and finds a couple of CIA and FBI agents there to shut SADISTO down, he shoots the male agents, and while he's making his escape, he shoots the redhead receptionist on the way out.

That final chapter is kind of interesting, as if Clyde Allison was making a comment about the series itself. When 0008 returns to SADISTO headquarters, none of the SADISTO agents are there (the redhead receptionist is new, and he doesn't recognize any of the guards around the place), and he meets an FBI and a CIA agent who inform him that SADISTO was never a sanctioned government agency: The General was a madman (who'd never actually been promoted above Corporal) who took advantage of bureaucracy to create his own agency, training agents to share his own sadistic, ruthless views, and operated without government oversight because the CIA, FBI, and all other government offices assumed that SADISTO was under another department's jurisdiction. After killing the CIA and FBI men, 0008 escapes and goes into hiding, waiting for SADISTO to rise again.

I get the feeling from the conclusion that Clyde Allison intended for this to be the last 0008 novel, with the ending being Allison's way of saying "Take That!" to both himself and his readers. (From what I've read, Allison suffered from bipolar disorder that eventually led to his suicide, and he may have written that conclusion at a low point when he felt bad about what he was writing.) Fortunately for us and for pulp-novel fans everywhere, he changed his mind and continued the series for 16 more books...
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

I went to my bookshelf and pulled out the next book in the series, "The Desdamona Affair." Haven't reread it yet to find the death scenes, but I did skim through the first chapter to refresh my memory and see if it addressed the ending of "Go-Go SADISTO." Happily for us, Allison completely disregards the twist ending he gave to the last "The Desdamona Affair" begins, SADISTO is fully operational, with 0008, The General, and all other SADISTO agents going about their business as usual, although they have been struck with budget cuts. The opening chapter has 0008 and a nude blonde engaged in a shoot-out...but it turns out that she's another SADISTO agent, and they've been reduced to practicing against each other with non-lethal wax bullets, since they can no longer afford live targets.

Very glad that Allison ignored the ending of the previous book...looking forward to rereading the next one and sharing its "bodycount"!
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by circum95 »

Couldn't stop thinking about KGB agent 'big boobs Balonova'. Here is my take on that hit job.

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Excellent work, and such an irresistable target! Thank you very much!

I hope that the summaries of "Nautipuss" and "Go-Go SADISTO" provide you with further inspiration. Keep up the good work!
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by JIMBO »

circum95 wrote: Sun May 01, 2022 3:28 am Couldn't stop thinking about KGB agent 'big boobs Balonova'. Here is my take on that hit job.

WOW! She certainly has a couple of impressive "targets"! :eek:

But he only ventilated ONE?? He should go back and finish the job. :excited:

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Finished my re-read of the fifth book in the series, "The Desdamona Affair." While the book does disregard the conclusion of the previous book (where SADISTO was dismantled and called out as being the creation of a madman), Clyde Allison appears to still be having some mixed feelings about his subject matter, as this book leans more heavily into the humor and the sex of spy spoofs, downplaying the violence of the previous books.

In this book, SADISTO is still operational and fully staffed (ignoring the ending of the last book), but has been struck severely by budget cuts. The General has been reduced to offering SADISTO agents' services as private detectives. They finally see a chance of bouncing back by tracking down a female mastermind named Desdamona Eva de Struxion, who has stolen a secret formula and blackmailed several governments out of $250 million dollars. 0008 is assigned to track down D. Eva de Struxion...and more importantly, claim the money for SADISTO. Complicating matters is the fact that Eva is also being pursued by the villainous Jovial P. Greensleeves (the bald guy on the cover) and his army of female minions and hungry jaguars.

Here are the female deaths (very slim pickings compared to previous books):

Page 120: One of Greensleeves' female minions, a shapely redhead, is overpowered by 0008 and Eva, who strip off the minion's skimpy green fishnet uniform, shove her under the shower, and scrub off the jaguar-repellent that all Greensleeves' minions have applied to their bodies. They then shove the redhead outside and listen as the jaguars devour her. 0008 and Eva make their escape past the satiated jaguars.

Page 137: The start of a sequence where 0008 is talking to Eva and reminiscing about past women in his life, specifically "lost opportunities" where the women were killed before he had the opportunity to make love with them. He starts by remembering a young Cambodian woman who was machine-gunned by enemy agents while 0008 was deciphering inscriptions in a ruined temple.

Page 138: The next of 0008's "lost opportunity" reminiscences: On a mission in Greenland, a gorgeous young nude Inuit woman was impaled with nine harpoons by enemy agents when she went out to check if the coast was clear.

Page 139: Another mission, where he pursued a killer into a coal mine in Pennsylvania. He wound up trapped in the mine with a gorgeous ("and naked, for reasons it would take too long to explain") Pennsylvania Dutch girl...and he shot her, because she WAS the killer he was pursuing.

And that's it for the female deaths in this I said, very little compared to the previous installments. As for D. Eva de Struxion herself, she survives 0008's mission and the General welcomes her as a new SADISTO agent, much to 0008's chagrin.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Sorry for the long delay between posts, but here's book #6 in the 0008 series: "Gamefinger." This one's a return to form with a heavy bodycount. The premise of this one is that wealthy madman Cantwell Undershaft has a plan to eliminate war by broadcasting modern-day gladiatorial "games," satisfying humanity's bloodlust without the chaos of warfare. 0008 is called in during his vacation and sent to infiltrate Undershaft's island headquarters, impersonating a weaponry expert to serve as a consultant for Undershaft.

Here's the page-by-page bodycount:

Page 33: 0008 is shown films of some of Undershaft's "games"; in the first, a brainwashed Asian woman dances erotically and makes love to one of the island's native men. After the climax, her partner stabs her in both breasts.

Page 38: Another film showing a nude blonde and redhead in a swordfight in Undershaft's arena, with the blonde finally hacking the redhead to death.

Page 39: A nude Polynesian woman is devoured by barracuda.

Page 74: After arriving at Undershaft's island, 0008 is shown another film, with two nude blondes in scuba gear engaged in underwater combat, ending with one of the women spear-gunning the other in the stomach, then finishing her off with a knife.

Page 76: Undershaft calls in a brainwashed blonde and brunette (both nude and carrying swords) to demonstrate the effectiveness of his brainwashing. He askes 0008 which one is the most attractive. 0008 replies that it's a tough decision, since they're both gorgeous, but chooses the blonde. Since the brunette is therefore "uglier," Undershaft orders her execution, and the blonde plunges her sword into the unresisting brunette's breast.

Page 109: A nude blonde is mauled and devoured by a leopard in the arena.

Page 114: 0008 witnesses a "game" where two teams of nude women (one team of 4 blondes, one team of 4 Asians) engage in underwater combat with knives, each team trying to kill the other's "goalie." By the end of the game, 5 of the 8 women have been stabbed, with the Asian team winning by stabbing the blonde "goal."

Page 115: A brief mention of 0008 watching "a dozen or so" women being killed by crocodiles, anacondas, rhinos, and bears.

Page 118: A brief mention of 0008 watching a nude blonde being torn apart by a gorilla.

Page 133: Two nude women are in a modern-day joust, with motorcycles instead of horses, with one woman being impaled by the other's lance at the end of the joust.

Page 136: Six nude water-skiing women are shot with poison arrows as "target practice."

Page 139: Film footage of Virna (one of Undershaft's henchwomen) and a brainwashed woman going nude skydiving (Virna wearing only a parachute, the victim without a chute), with Virna shooting the victim while they're both in freefall as more "target practice."

Page 140: Two nude women in tiger-stripe bodypaint slash each other to death with metal claws, as seen on the cover illustration.

Page 143: Undershaft orders 0008 to shoot a bound, nude brainwashed prisoner. Since 0008 is technically "on vacation," he has more of a conscience than when he's "on duty," and can't bring himself to shoot an innocent captive. When the countdown runs out for 0008 to shoot her, she instead dies from an agonizing, slow-acting poison she had been given earlier.

Page 146: Undershaft repeats the ultimatum by ordering 0008 to shoot another nude brainwashed captive, this one a blonde. This time, 0008 doesn't hesitate, shooting her in the stomach and then in the heart.

Page 158: 0008 summons two of Undershaft's henchwomen, blonde Lucinda and brunette Brinda, to his room, knocks them out and ties them to chairs (both nude), and stabs them both after they tell him what he wants to know. (He notes that he didn't have to torture them, only threaten them, so he finishes them off mercifully.)

Page 159: With the information he got from Lucinda and Brinda, he reprograms all of Undershaft's captives and sets them loose, sending them to slaughter Undershaft and his entire staff with their swords. Some of Undershaft's henchwomen attempt to swim to freedom but are devoured by sharks and barracudas. (Nothing is described in detail.)
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by JIMBO »

THANKS for the review, DeMan! :clap:

Talk about a high bodycount! :eek:

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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by Drizzt »

As the original author is long dead, and most second-hand copies of the paperbooks go for hundreds of $, I don't feel an ethical quandry with posting actual excerpts from the books (and would recommend DeMan do the same, if possible):





Everything I've managed to find: ... ...

I also have some lengthier texts over on my board:

Edit - to the extent that Allison's books are available online at an acceptable price, I'd recommend:
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by baldur »

many thanks - apart from the fetish scenes... it´s just extremely funny.... a perfect holiday reading!
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by Drizzt »

Sorry for killing this thread. ... 7/mode/1up

From Rapture with Love on the internet archive. Several other Allison books are also available there.

008 is forced to cooperate with KRUNCH agent Karlotta to stop an attempt to place LSD into the U.S water supply and turn the country pacifist.

Interesting moments:
Page 17-18 - 008 forces Karlotta to strip at gunpoint to "check for weapon" and jams his silencer into her naked body.

53 - Karlotta is brought back to the SADISTO headquarters and all the agents suggest ways to torture and kill her.

Agent Moonflower (mentioned in a previous book) plays a large role in the climax and survives a helicopter crash.

008 and Karlotta engage in a fight to the death in the epilogue, but it's interrupted before the conclusion.

Unfortunate - KRUNCH and SADISTO agents are intermixed (and sexing each other) as they cooperate, and once the cooperation is over they're explicitly going to kill each other all over the place, but the book doesn't described any of that. Possibly due to pushing the pacifist angle. Ah, the duality of a porn-spy-snuff books writers.
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Re: The Clyde Allison/0008 Bodycount Thread

Post by DeMan »

Sorry I've been away for so long!

Just finished re-reading book #7 in the 0008 series, "Sadisto Royale." Unfortunately, this book is very light on death scenes, though it's still heavy on the sex and humor. This book has 0008 taking on the diabolical Augustus C. Cromwell, a movie producer who plans to use his new process "Sensovision" (a form of virtual reality, long before that phrase was coined) to make his fortune by recording assorted thrilling experiences and memories, and releasing these recorded experiences as entertainment. (A plan which would cause disaster, as the world would be too busy with these virtual adventures to go out and do anything in reality.) He captures 0008, and with the help of his gorgeous blonde female scientist Dr. Roja Draconia, he plans to record the memories of 0008's adventures and release them as spy movies (or as pornography, as the case may be). There are no actual female death scenes "on-camera" (as it were) in the book, but a few mentions...

Page 116-117: After recording one of 0008's past adventures, Cromwell decides that 0008's having found the villainess' hideout by thoughtful deduction isn't interesting enough for his "movie," so he records a new scene with one of his actresses ("a dark-haired, brown-skinned, bare-breasted beauty") playing a henchwoman who reveals her boss' location, and then drinks poison to atone for her betrayal (this part is only acted). Although it's only a performance, this is the closest the book comes to an actual "on-screen" death scene: "And with a dramatic flourish, she produced a bottle labeled 'Deadly Poison,' drained it in a gulp, and then collapsed to the floor where she writhed dramatically and very seductively for several minutes before her heels drummed a final tattoo and she went limp."

Page 126-127: Cromwell discusses another "benefit" of Sensovision; he thinks that he can prevent "crime of passion" murders by recording the memories of imprisoned murderers, and letting the public experience these memories as Sensovision "movies"; Cromwell lists a variety of hypothetical scenarios for "Sexy-Mistress Killing Volume A" ("He becomes another man, pumping bullets into his screaming but still sexy mistress' breasts and abdomen. And in another instant, he's another man, choking his shapely mistress to death.") Cromwell believes that these recordings will satisfy the "viewer's" bloodlust and prevent future murders.

Page 147: After escaping with 0008 in a plane, Dr. Draconia reveals that she's not the inventor of Sensovision, but a spy who killed the actual female scientist. This is just a throwaway line: "I liquidated her and took her place." Still, just thought I'd mention it for "bodycount" purposes.

Page 159: Dr. Draconia is killed in a plane crash while pursuing 0008. ("Crunch! I heard the unmistakable sound of an attack-jet hitting the ground at full throttle.") Nothing sexy about that, but again, for bodycount purposes...

One of the weaker books of the series in "Femme Fatality" terms, but still a pretty enjoyable read...
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