Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by sigk »

I'm just a buyer, not a producer, so feel free to ignore any thoughts I share about the business end, because they are not informed by any actual knowledge...

Use your video to advertise your website by including the URL in the credits. Then use your website to direct users to your other promotions (such as the youtube, twitter, facebook & instagram URLs uncle_buck included at the bottom of his first post in this topic. I had no idea any of them existed.)
Maybe create a seller account on clips4sale or nicheclips (or both). I gather these sites have high commissions that make them less profitable for producers, but these sites serve as discovery mechanisms for me; I check them periodically and if a new producer shows up with a video in a fetish I enjoy, I buy a video. If I like them and the video's credits direct me to a website, then I can find the producer's preferred store (which in SLA's case I guess is gumroad), and maybe other info about the producer as well. Maybe just a few of your older videos at a slightly higher price than your preferred store price, and add another one occasionally to show up on the site's recent list to catch newcomers. Think of them as advertisements. (These videos are a good reason to have your own website URL in the video itself.)

I don't know if SLA does customs. The producers I've asked for customs in the past have some instructions on their websites for how to request a custom, which at least means they do them; plus tentative schedules and actresses (maybe add names to your gallery page if SLA is interested in promoting custom requests.)
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dressed in miniskirts, boots, accessories, firearms, sensual deaths.
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by SLA »

In good time Tostig!
apparently I must add more details of each video in the description of each one of them .. thank you for buying Prisionera 2- Revenge
I want you to know that your observations along with those of others are helping me a lot. :love:
The style of SLA is characterized by its beautiful Latin actresses, a cinematographic concept with special effects, various stories. deaths of beautiful women. :pc:
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by uncle_buck »

The post above would seem to reinforce my theory that you can never advertise too much or too often.
Every item that the writer refers to is available free for the taking from the SLA page on Buck's Blog.
That's all well and good but if he is not an avid follower of "Uncle Buck" as it appears he is not, then he,
and probably a good may others don't go 'digging' - as in clicking into the site far enough to fetch much
of anything.

Another "suggestion" that you may want to put in back of your mind is this:
Don't drive yourself crazy seeking and arranging for different "locations" to shoot your videos.
These are not "movies" as such and needn't be either complex nor particularly "picturesque"
from the point of view of a photographer. The "subject matter" are the Girls themselves.
The "studio" in many of these videos is most often a single room or a space that can be modified
readily with the addition of a few props. Olaf Winter has some sort of "bean bags" for his victims
to fall down upon and they make a fine job of it. These "kills" want o be as convincing as you can
make them but no one is going to fault an actress for not wanting to get hurt falling down.
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by Nebuchadnezzar »

I'm a bit late to comment on this perhaps, but I did offer some thoughts to Mayra by e-mail some time ago.

I said to circulate an e-mail advertising new videos. This now happens. I said to update the blog, and this also is happening. Tle SLA videos are becoming more professional all the time, the actresses are always beautiful, and the videos are coming out very regularly. There is variety and the costumes are excellent. I am hoping that SLA has turned the corner and that sales are increasing.

Other points are to advertise more customs, and make them affordable. People can then order exactly what they like. I can see from the video credits and the blog that this is also happening. One of these days I will ordfer my own custom! I just need to save up the funds!

I really like SLA's work, and I wonder if something like a Patreon account would provide some support? I would certainly join.
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by Julian »

I often edit my own shorter cuts of SLA & Olafs & Neon DARKs, as the originals often have issues that I like to fix, some small some big. Those 3 producers are top tier already in any case.
These fixes often aren't very difficult (a day or so futzing around in AFTER EFFECTS is usually enough). No need to kill yourself! I have for fun, spent a week adding VFX to a neon-dark video to see what it would look like. Anyway, some things I do that really up the feel:


This, when applied at subtle levels, 50% max but even 11%, will remove much of the hand-held wobble and creates a nice steadicam effect. Olaf uses this a lot for the shots that pan over the body piles. It helps if your original footage is already steady, and Mayra, your footage is already VERY good for this. Try the Warp Stabilizer effect on those shots, you'll like it.

Many models are really great, swinging those swords and taking falls like they mean it. Others, understandably, don't want to go all in. Solution: right click on the timeline layer and time stretch. Most actions can take a 10% acceleration, but I've gone as high as 30 to 40% on some shots, or sections of shots. It adds kinetic impact. Of course, audio turns to chipmunk / helium, so I create a backup / dupe layer below the accelerated video and position that for the impacts, and switch off audio on the accelerated layer. There is also TIME-REMAP effect filter, which allows much more sophisticated time ramping for the same effect.

It is freaking amazing the difference that changing the color makes. In AE, the filter I use is COLOR BALANCE. By -- carefully! -- adjusting the red, green and blue levels in shadow, midtone and hilite ranges you can totally transform the quality of the shot. Many of Olaf's videos shot in forests have a green cast, and those in studio have yellow; by tweaking color balance you can pull this down and really bring out the reds in forest (skin) and blues in studio. Same applies to your work, or anyone's for that matter.

Use the CURVES effect to make blacks blacker and lights lighter, OR to repair shots that are slighty blown out -- often there is missing visual information hidden in the shadows or light/blown out parts.

Often the action is too slow, especially the falling / impact & dying scenes! When it takes 30 or 40 seconds for a character to die, it ruins flow. I usually cut these MUCH faster. Cutting on an action -- e.g., character A hits B with sword, CUT to the fall creates a much harder impact sensation. This especially works with clunkier falls -- some of the girls on Neon Dark vids practically sit themselves down rather than fall -- those fake falls can be made to look a LOT more realistic with careful edits. Same with sword impacts, you can cut the 2 or 3 frames where the sword "slows in" to the impact, and CUT to the impact ===> INSTANT FORCE (especially with foley impact sound added).

All of these upgrade the final video output -- makes it look like you have more expensive cameras and better stunt work. I've applied all these to yours, neons & olafs vids, and it's amazing the difference -- and again, it can be applied fairly quickly, maybe one day's solid work per video -- not a deal breaker at all.

Then there's the *slightly* tricker field of VFX -- blood splats, muzzle flares etc.

One thing I noticed is that some of your blood FX came out black in 'Rebel Ambush'. BTW, that actress who dies at the end, blondish, topless -- god almighty she's frikking great!!!! -- anyway, I'd definitely work on getting better blood FX. I know it's a pain, but getting the blend modes right for the blood is crucial. LOVE LOVE LOVE it when stage blood is used, especially when the girls spit it all over their faces!

Oh, also music! I have a bunch of fake trailer music files from IMMEDIATE MUSIC -- they have a YT channel with a lot of their stuff. Definitely worth looking into, as that orchestral movie sound really adds a lot!

I'd be more than happy to send you my AFTER EFFECTS FILE and render so you can see what I'm talking about.
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by Barcsh »

Hey Mayra,
I am by no means an expert regarding what you should or shouldn't do and I fear what does it for me seems very different to the majority of folk in the fetish group but I'll give you my two cents anyways.

I find Olaf's work from Amazon Warriors to be the best going around, he's pretty much the only person I buy from these days, his ladies are awesome and to the most part die so beautifully.

The videos of his I buy most often contain the following...

1. Mass battle: The more death scenes the better that way you can mix up a bunch of different types and thus, have something for everyone. Unless I actually am the creator of a production, I know I'm not gonna like everything but if there is a chance I'm gonna like say, a quarter of the death scenes, it's way more likely I'll buy the product.

2. Plenty of long death scenes: Short deaths do nothing for me, having some sprinkled through the production is fine but for me, you need a bunch of drawn out scenes and having them filmed properly is very important as well. It's not very satisfying seeing a great long death scene filmed from too far away or at a bad angle.

3. Attire: For me, the less the better but and I know this is probably more just me, I don't buy anything with full nudity, that's a big reason why I enjoy Olaf's work so much...plenty of topless babes but no full nudity. I notice a lot of your videos have army type themes which is great but If they are all fully dressed, no interest for me. Again this is where you can mix it up between some clothed and some with less clothing.

4. One last thing I'll say, I rarely buy a video without some preview pics. I know you do a little preview video but these don't always show things I need to know before I will buy something. A nice collection of photos can show important information people need to know, such as position of body at death, amount of blood, attire: ie, at the start of a fight a lady may be attired one way but may lose clothes as fighting goes on.

I hope this helps a little, again, I have very particular tastes and am hard to please but that can be said for a lot of us I'm sure. Variety is really the best option I feel, If you do 20 death scenes in one production and I'm happy with 5 of them, I'd definitely buy the video. It must be tough being a producer, It's not something I'd take on unless I was already super rich and didn't need the money.

I hope you continue on, female armies battling against each other is my favourite thing. Good luck.
Posts: 4337
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:37 pm
What is your main fetish?: Death fetish especially drowning
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by xj900uk »

Mayra, I'd love it if you moved your cameras a little closer in to the action, and also did the odd close up of the actresses facial expressions, her eyes from time to time

Secondly, for the shootout type clips and movies, I love them but how about every so often somebody run out of ammo, and forced to switch to a secondary weapon, perhaps a pistol or a knife? Love it if somebody who has, run out of ammo, is forced to go after their quarry/opponent and either knife them to death, or else strangel them with their bare hands!

And, also whilst we are on teh subject of pistols, more sexy shootings with silenced pistols, please!!
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What is your main fetish?: Mostly shooting / stabbing scenarios and beautiful women.
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Referral: Through Bluesilk studios.

Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by Marakh »

Julian wrote: Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:45 pm I often edit my own shorter cuts of SLA & Olafs & Neon DARKs, as the originals often have issues that I like to fix, some small some big. Those 3 producers are top tier already in any case.
These fixes often aren't very difficult (a day or so futzing around in AFTER EFFECTS is usually enough). No need to kill yourself! I have for fun, spent a week adding VFX to a neon-dark video to see what it would look like. Anyway, some things I do that really up the feel:


This, when applied at subtle levels, 50% max but even 11%, will remove much of the hand-held wobble and creates a nice steadicam effect. Olaf uses this a lot for the shots that pan over the body piles. It helps if your original footage is already steady, and Mayra, your footage is already VERY good for this. Try the Warp Stabilizer effect on those shots, you'll like it.

Many models are really great, swinging those swords and taking falls like they mean it. Others, understandably, don't want to go all in. Solution: right click on the timeline layer and time stretch. Most actions can take a 10% acceleration, but I've gone as high as 30 to 40% on some shots, or sections of shots. It adds kinetic impact. Of course, audio turns to chipmunk / helium, so I create a backup / dupe layer below the accelerated video and position that for the impacts, and switch off audio on the accelerated layer. There is also TIME-REMAP effect filter, which allows much more sophisticated time ramping for the same effect.

It is freaking amazing the difference that changing the color makes. In AE, the filter I use is COLOR BALANCE. By -- carefully! -- adjusting the red, green and blue levels in shadow, midtone and hilite ranges you can totally transform the quality of the shot. Many of Olaf's videos shot in forests have a green cast, and those in studio have yellow; by tweaking color balance you can pull this down and really bring out the reds in forest (skin) and blues in studio. Same applies to your work, or anyone's for that matter.

Use the CURVES effect to make blacks blacker and lights lighter, OR to repair shots that are slighty blown out -- often there is missing visual information hidden in the shadows or light/blown out parts.

Often the action is too slow, especially the falling / impact & dying scenes! When it takes 30 or 40 seconds for a character to die, it ruins flow. I usually cut these MUCH faster. Cutting on an action -- e.g., character A hits B with sword, CUT to the fall creates a much harder impact sensation. This especially works with clunkier falls -- some of the girls on Neon Dark vids practically sit themselves down rather than fall -- those fake falls can be made to look a LOT more realistic with careful edits. Same with sword impacts, you can cut the 2 or 3 frames where the sword "slows in" to the impact, and CUT to the impact ===> INSTANT FORCE (especially with foley impact sound added).

All of these upgrade the final video output -- makes it look like you have more expensive cameras and better stunt work. I've applied all these to yours, neons & olafs vids, and it's amazing the difference -- and again, it can be applied fairly quickly, maybe one day's solid work per video -- not a deal breaker at all.

Then there's the *slightly* tricker field of VFX -- blood splats, muzzle flares etc.

One thing I noticed is that some of your blood FX came out black in 'Rebel Ambush'. BTW, that actress who dies at the end, blondish, topless -- god almighty she's frikking great!!!! -- anyway, I'd definitely work on getting better blood FX. I know it's a pain, but getting the blend modes right for the blood is crucial. LOVE LOVE LOVE it when stage blood is used, especially when the girls spit it all over their faces!

Oh, also music! I have a bunch of fake trailer music files from IMMEDIATE MUSIC -- they have a YT channel with a lot of their stuff. Definitely worth looking into, as that orchestral movie sound really adds a lot!

I'd be more than happy to send you my AFTER EFFECTS FILE and render so you can see what I'm talking about.
Any chance you can become an editor for these fetish productions? I swear the only thing holding 90% of the studios back is their poor effects and editing. As someone who has bought thousands of videos for over a decade now, there's very few productions that actually have ever done this properly.

EDIT: Should mention that I have been enjoying the SLA videos, I think Mayra and the crew have a lot of potential to become one of my favorite producers. :approve: I would give suggestions but people have already given the same suggestions in this thread.
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by Julian »

I'd love to edit for any / all of them. I've never been asked though!
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What is your main fetish?: sexy and warrior latin girls.
dressed in miniskirts, boots, accessories, firearms, sensual deaths.
Why do you want to join this forum?: We produce videos with fetish content (sexy Latinas facing struggles, fighting until death) and we want to share it with you and the members of this site.
Referral: I have known this site thanks to

Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by SLA »

Hello guys from FF.

I know that I have not responded to this thread, a while ago, I could access the forum from outside but I could not enter my username and password, then when I retrieved it, this thread had already gotten out of hand.

The point I want to get to is that...
I have read your comments, each point of view and I have taken them as advice, in fact, the entire production of SLA has worked as a team for it, in order to reach you more in the way in which you have described, you have added your criticism (which by the way, constructive) and thanks for that.

This year 2022 we start with the launch of a video of foxxy commandos, In this video you can see a lot of action, many deaths, several foxxy commandos fall being surprised, it took us a little longer to make the special effects, but in conclusion... The downloads are successful, we do not stop receiving emails with good comments, well, I would like you to download the video yourselves (those who have not yet done so) and leave me your criticism.

Also this video titled

LINK: ... ODM0NjQuMA..

coming soon with a second part :O that's right...

We have more videos in post production, we have some customized ones to develop, the fact is that this year 2022 SLA puts on the shirt to produce better videos than the previous year.

That is why it is important for us that you give us your advice, and we know that we cannot please everyone in a single video, but we have the best disposition for you.

Did you download the 2022 calendar?

If you have not downloaded it, you can download it for free at the following link ... ODI1NzEuMA..

Likewise, I invite you to visit our blog to learn more about SLA

Mayra Divine
The style of SLA is characterized by its beautiful Latin actresses, a cinematographic concept with special effects, various stories. deaths of beautiful women. :pc:
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What is your main fetish?: shooting
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by denis »

For the first video of the year it is great. I liked it very much. :clap:

Pour la première vidéo de l'année elle est super. Moi j'ai bien aimé. :clap:
Posts: 4337
Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2011 2:37 pm
What is your main fetish?: Death fetish especially drowning
Why do you want to join this forum?: So I can chat to people about simulated and depicted death scenes in movies
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Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by xj900uk »

SLA wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:07 pm Hello guys from FF.

I know that I have not responded to this thread, a while ago, I could access the forum from outside but I could not enter my username and password, then when I retrieved it, this thread had already gotten out of hand.

The point I want to get to is that...
I have read your comments, each point of view and I have taken them as advice, in fact, the entire production of SLA has worked as a team for it, in order to reach you more in the way in which you have described, you have added your criticism (which by the way, constructive) and thanks for that.

This year 2022 we start with the launch of a video of foxxy commandos, In this video you can see a lot of action, many deaths, several foxxy commandos fall being surprised, it took us a little longer to make the special effects, but in conclusion... The downloads are successful, we do not stop receiving emails with good comments, well, I would like you to download the video yourselves (those who have not yet done so) and leave me your criticism.

Likewise, I invite you to visit our blog to learn more about SLA

Mayra Divine
Thanks, Mayra. I always really do enjoy watching your sexy movies with loads of gun-totting tough girls taking on each other. And you always do it in such lovely warm sorroundings as well, and take great pleasure in shooting up each others houses, gardens, and places of work! :X
More, please, and also can you pass on our best wishes to all of your actresses and production team? We do hope that 2022 is a better year for you financially and your movies sell a lot better and interested many new customers and potential commissioners. :pc:
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What is your main fetish?: Asian deaths in video (TV, dvd, Blu-ray, laserDisc), and films
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Referral: Found on Google after search

Re: Your Ideas for Mayra of Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by bonepile2 »

Hello Mayra: First off "The Annihilator" was simply great, Loved the action, the cuts, the deaths. You might have had the wounded commander at the end get up off the table crawling to one of her dead comrades and talking to them as if they are still alive vowing vengeance for their losses which you could show visually as a filmed thought which would tie into The Annihilator PART TWO which I see will be released. This would leave us the audience eagerly waiting for that second chapter. You could also add in brief visual bios of your stars, and a behind the scenes clip too.

Wishing you lots of great films for 2022, and thanks for reading this.
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What is your main fetish?: sexy and warrior latin girls.
dressed in miniskirts, boots, accessories, firearms, sensual deaths.
Why do you want to join this forum?: We produce videos with fetish content (sexy Latinas facing struggles, fighting until death) and we want to share it with you and the members of this site.
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Re: Tus ideas para Mayra de Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by SLA »

denis wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 8:57 pm Para el primer vídeo del año es genial. Me gustó mucho. :clap: Pour la première vidéo de l'année elle est super. Moi j'ai bien aimé. :clap: [/cita] ¡Dennis! Gracias por escribirnos. Me perdí un mensaje tuya 😍 Me alegro y me alegro de saber que te gustó esta producción. La segunda parte llegará. ¡Espero que estés bien! besos, abrazos.
Mayra Divine
The style of SLA is characterized by its beautiful Latin actresses, a cinematographic concept with special effects, various stories. deaths of beautiful women. :pc:
User avatar
Posts: 389
Joined: Mon Jan 27, 2020 9:18 pm
What is your main fetish?: sexy and warrior latin girls.
dressed in miniskirts, boots, accessories, firearms, sensual deaths.
Why do you want to join this forum?: We produce videos with fetish content (sexy Latinas facing struggles, fighting until death) and we want to share it with you and the members of this site.
Referral: I have known this site thanks to

Re: Tus ideas para Mayra de Sexy Latin Amazon

Post by SLA »

xj900uk wrote: Sun Jan 23, 2022 5:38 am
SLA wrote: Sat Jan 22, 2022 5:07 pm Hello guys from FF.

I know that I have not responded to this thread, a while ago, I could access the forum from outside but I could not enter my username and password, then when I retrieved it, this thread had already gotten out of hand.

The point I want to get to is that...
I have read your comments, each point of view and I have taken them as advice, in fact, the entire production of SLA has worked as a team for it, in order to reach you more in the way in which you have described, you have added your criticism (which by the way, constructive) and thanks for that.

This year 2022 we start with the launch of a video of foxxy commandos, In this video you can see a lot of action, many deaths, several foxxy commandos fall being surprised, it took us a little longer to make the special effects, but in conclusion... The downloads are successful, we do not stop receiving emails with good comments, well, I would like you to download the video yourselves (those who have not yet done so) and leave me your criticism.

Likewise, I invite you to visit our blog to learn more about SLA

Mayra Divine
Thanks, Mayra. I always really do enjoy watching your sexy movies with loads of gun-totting tough girls taking on each other. And you always do it in such lovely warm sorroundings as well, and take great pleasure in shooting up each others houses, gardens, and places of work! :X
More, please, and also can you pass on our best wishes to all of your actresses and production team? We do hope that 2022 is a better year for you financially and your movies sell a lot better and interested many new customers and potential commissioners. :pc:

Good to hear from you my dear friend, first of all... I hope you are well. Thank you for that encouragement and that good vibe that you give us... we will be working on more productions and always thinking of clients as great as you Cheers mayra :love:
The style of SLA is characterized by its beautiful Latin actresses, a cinematographic concept with special effects, various stories. deaths of beautiful women. :pc:
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