Busy Office review

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Busy Office review

Post by Storm9 »

This is for the Busy Office video;
Starring Jemma Jordan, Jessie Horobec, and Taylor Knight.

Available as part of a two pack deal.
Black Nylons Niche clip store.
Niche clip store
For $19.00

Tommy Gun also will do direct sales on this.

Once again, I have to give a 9 to 10 out of 10.

We start out, in the office. With Taylor freshening up in the rest room.
We then flip back to Jemma and Jessie a more office like setting.
During the video, as Taylor joins them.
We can nicely see, both Taylor and Jessie, are bra less.
Some nice teases, of what is beneath, with brief nips.
Jemma also gives some nice upskirt panty shots.
As she spins back and forth at her desk.

An intruder comes in, with a small cross bow.
Each lady takes a hit.
Nice look, as well as the ladies give good reactions.

Then the ladies writhing and moaning.
Jemma still seated, the other two lowering down.

One thing I give Black Nylons a LOT of credit for.
The attention to the wounds, and amount of blood.
The wounds when shown, conform to the bolt, not a bullet wound.
We watch as all 3 lovely ladies die.
Then we get pans or views of all 3.

A short shift, and now all 3 fully nude.
Except for their stockings, and high heeled shoes.
Pans of each lady, eyes open.
Laying bloody, exposed and dead.
As if the killer enjoyed playing with them before leaving.

BONUS, you also get the Feathered Shafts video.
With Kiki N Scarlett Demitro.
Two ladies, at a hotel, starting to get dressed.
Velma comes in and cross bow arrows them both.
One ends on the bed, the other on the floor.

Once dead, the killer cuts their tops off.
Leaving them topless, open eyed and dead.

You also get some slower motion shots, the impacts.

A lot of content for the money on this one.
Well worth it.
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