Party Girls stabbed video

Reviews of Brandy D'Vinn's videos, including her Crimson Rapture videos, should be posted here!

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Party Girls stabbed video

Post by Storm9 »

OK, just added new photo folder, with 7 sexy screen caps from the video. to free fan group.

The video stars BRANDY D'VINN and MIZ !! Cost of video $18.00
Niche clips/ Crimson Rapture store

First, once again, Brandy knows how to dress that sexy figure of her. The lovely lady, looking totally hot as usual!! Think it would be ejoyable, just watching her try out different outfits, to show off. Since she definately knows how to compliment, that long legged, curvy figure of hers.

Brandy and Miz are confronted, while hanging out, and having fun.
Brandy ends up taking a knife first, and as usual. Brandy does a wonderful job, of showing shock, and pain as she gets stabbed.

This is followed by some very believable, writhing, and squirming on the floor, as she dies.
Brandy working her sensuous body very nicely, as she acts out her painful demise.

Then it is Miz turn to get stabbed, and again, as screen caps show. Very good job, of showing the stabbing, face and body reactions.

I have to give a VERY well done to Brandy, as the sexy lady, has to lay for a long time, keeping a death stare. YES Brandy not taking the easy eyes shut option.
Even when she gets shaked by Miz, Brandy does an impressive job, of maintaining her death pose.

We finish with two VERY attractive ladies, dressed in skimpy outfits, laying stabbed and dead together.
LOT of nice body pans of the ladies, as they lay eyes staring, bloody and dead.
Not sure which lady had it more difficult. Miz performing her own death scene or Brandy having to stay dead, as Miz rubs against her.

Either way, very nice performance, by two stunning and sexy young ladies!!
If I had to rate on one to ten scale, for my tastes. No nudity, takes a little away.
YET Brandy and Miz, look so HOT in what they have on.
Give it around an 7 to 8 out of ten easy.
Beautiful ladies, and wonderful performances.

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Posts: 28
Joined: Sat Jun 14, 2008 2:20 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy Stabbing, Shooting, Impaling, Strangling, Hanging Beautiful women.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Already a member but I have like minded interests in fantasy female demise.
Referral: Been around for a long time.

Re: Party Girls stabbed video

Post by SirBruce »

You're store on Niche is empty. Wha hoppen?
Posts: 140
Joined: Tue Mar 18, 2008 6:29 pm

Re: Party Girls stabbed video

Post by dpaul47 »

what ever happened to Brandy?
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