Hunger Game Review

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Hunger Game Review

Post by kevin67 »

I went to a midnight showing of the "Hunger Games", so I figured I might as well review it for what it's worth. I have never read the book so I cannot compare the novel and the film. I hope that someone who has read the book and seen the film will add comments.

I don't think I am spoiling anything by saying the story takes place in the fictional country called,Panem, which is divided into 12 districts. The ruling district , or seat of government is called the Capital or District 1, headed by President Snow (Donald Sutherland).

It seems that about a century ago the masses revolted and was put down by the government. Since then every year for the past 74 years, the government has held what they call the Hunger Games as a reminder to the masses not to revolt. Each district must choose two participants or tributes, a male and female to fight to the death until only one is left. The tributes must be between the ages of 12 and 18 and are chosen by each district by lottery.

I don't think I am letting anything out of the bag by saying the younger sister of the main character, Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) ,is picked to represent District 12. Katniss, horrified by this picking, bravely volunteers to take her place in one of two very emotional scenes in the movie. The male tribute is a young baker's boy, Peeta, nicely played by Josh Hutcherson.


Katniss must leave her boyfriend, Gale (Liam Hemsworth) , and is brought to the Capital city, where she and Peeta are stunned by it's sheer wealth, because they come from a poverty stricken district.It here they meet their mentor, Haymitch Abernathy (Woody Harrelson),a former survivor of the games, to help them try to survive the game.

Katniss and the other tributes are put through two tests prior to the beginning of the game. In one test they have to demonstrate their skills, It is important in this test that .they be noticed .In another test they are put on a television show,hosted by Caesar Flickerman (Stanley Tucci), whose purpose is to get people to like them and put them in a more favorable position. Katniss does very well with these tests, and the Games are ready to be played, which takes up the rest of the movie.

While in the arena (a wooded area) there is a certain amount of surprising camaraderie among certain tributes in an effort to stay alive. Katniss, caught up a tree is saved by Rue ( Amanda Stenberg), and later befriends her until Rue is killed, the second very emotional part of the movie. Eventually Peeta and Katniss become close to each other and develop a protective bond between them at the very least.

The game watchers also try to manipulate the outcome of the game. At one point, early on, Katniss comes too close to the arenas edge and is driven back by huge fireballs. Later on they release these huge doglike creatures, which look like pit bulls on steroids, to thin out the final three tributes.

Finally there is only Peeta and Katniss left, but rather then fight to the death, they decide to commit suicide by eating poison food. However the game watchers decide to stop them, close the game ,and declare them both winners. Love conquers death.

FEMALE DEATHS- Due to the PG-13 rating, you can not expect to see vivid slaughter. Originally they were going to make this movie a TV show so you know what to expect as far as death scenes.

The females are dressed in dark jackets, sweatshirts and pants as befitting the location of the arena, so don't expect more.

The first group of killings are photographed so fast that little can be seen and the pan of the bodies are not done as close ups.

One blond female tribute is killed by killer wasps and gives Katniss a bow and arrow to use. You get somewhat of a close up of the body with many lumps on the corpse.

Another blond dies from eating poison food which Katniss collects from her hand. I am not sure this is a suicide or treachery by the government.

Still another blond female is killed when a tribute slams her very hard against a tree, saving Katniss from being knifed This girl gives the best death stare in the movie.

The only death scene involving blood belongs to Rue, the 12 year old black girl, who is impaled in the chest by a type of spear meant for Katniss. It is the only death in the movie that is dwelled upon to any length and shows even a little blood

Rating- I cannot really rate this movie on any death fetish content. However I will give the movie a 9 out of 10 for it's intelligence and acting, Jennifer Lawrewnce is especially effective in showing both strength in her character as well as she doubts considering the situation. I took a point off for the swirling photography during the death and fight scenes. However the movie is effective in portraying the rich and government control over the poor as well as the suppression and attitude of the masses within these bounds.
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Re: Hunger Game Review

Post by JohnM »

Thanks for the great review.

I saw this movie today and concur, a 9 out of 10 for me as well. In the 142 minute run time, they managed to capture the main elements of the book.

BTW, the death that you refer to as the "blonde against the tree" is actually Clove. She is dark hair, and slammed against the steel cornucopia side. She did indeed have a good death stare, as well as the girl that was poisoned--Fox Face.
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