Change in preferences depending on perspective

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Change in preferences depending on perspective

Post by Dyingknight »

This is just me rambling about some stuff I’ve been thinking about lately but I’ve realized something quite interesting about myself and our shared strange fetish. More specifically, I find that my ideal fantasy scenario changes quite drastically depending on whether I imagine myself the killer or the slain.

From the killer’s perspective, my ideal scenario includes myself facing down a worthy opponent, a woman who’s proved herself time and again as an equal or better combatant to her male counterparts. She would most likely be tomboyish, muscular, and grizzled. We would be locked in mortal combat with lead and steel, exchanging blows until I inevitably come out on top. I would then “claim” her in a way that reminds her of her femininity before delivering the coup de grace, filled with thrills and adrenaline.

When I imagine myself as the dying party, however, my perfect scenario changes quite dramatically. in this instance, the atmosphere would be less intense and bombastic, maybe even calm and soothing. This scenario, of course, also involves a beautiful woman, but not as an adversary. She would be a damsel in distress I rescued from a villain’s lair, a young maiden I would shield from arrows and blades with my own body, a sacrificial virgin whose place I’ve offered to take. In whatever case, I would find myself mortally wounded after saving her life and collapse into her arms. She would then take on the role of my angel of mercy, there to make sure that I spend my final moments in tender, gentle, intimate embrace. This woman, in contrast, would almost always be more traditionally feminine.

And sometimes I would even find myself combining the two, where I would imagine myself doing battle against some Amazon warlord or grizzled assassin in defense of a harpless damsel, emerging triumphant but injured, before dying in the damsel’s arms.

So what does this mean? What’s this rant been about? I’m not sure but I still find the contrast quite interesting and I was wondering if anybody here shares similar experiences in their fetish lives :lol2:
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