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Bluestone - 2 Sides of Same Coin!

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2017 4:09 pm
by Bluestone
Hi All,

It's amazing, but a longtime member of our community, who should know better, just realized that Bluestone produces more than the usual videos that the company has been producing for the past 12 years. He was blown away by the production values of our Spy and Superheroine films, wondering if they were even made by the same company. They were! LOL! :lol2:

I've been trying to educate the community ever since I made my first co-productions with UKSG several years ago. These are the facts... Bluestone now features two main product lines:

1. Our usual Suzi, Petra, Tina, etc. crime videos that are produced by me as a one man crew and retail for about $13.50 each. I produce about 4 a day; and,

2. Our Spy (White Angel) and Superheroine films where I hire a full crew and which retail for about $25 each. I produce one video over a 2 day shooting schedule.

Obviously, the quality differs between the two divisions of my production company, but many people just do not get it. For years, they thought that these films were still being produced by UKSG. Well, I can assure everyone that they are produced by Bluestone Video Productions, and that I put together each and every shoot and attend, as producer, on most of the sets.

Just wishing to clarify a common misconception.
