Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

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Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

mikedark wrote:I've ran into an interesting problem this time, that I'm almost certain is on my end. When I open the game, it doesn't fully go full-screen. The taskbar remains stuck in front of it. This has sometimes happened before, usually if I have another application open that I check while loading, and hitting the Windows button and then clicking on the game window solves it, but this time it's not. I tried opening it with no other windows open and it still happens. I don't know if I should try to restart and see if that helps, or unload the folder onto an external drive and try it, or unzip the folder again and see if that works?

I tried with 1.21 and it loads fine, if immediately crashing because I moved some stuff over to the 1.22.2 folder and doesn't have those files to read anymore
:frown: :eek: :? :cry: :mad: :shake:

I'm sorry folks. I've received several reports like this, so it's definitely something I did. I made a minor change to one video setting ("start in full screen") that made my system work better, but evidently broke the game for everyone else. (This is probably because my monitor has a 1600x1200 setting that matches the game, whereas most monitors no longer support 1600x1200 resolution.)

This is a minor patch, so just replace your .exe files as before [Patch only - 46Mb .rar file]: ... h.rar/file

If you'd like the whole package in one place, here is a full game download [All files - 2.2Gb .rar file] ... 3.rar/file

'F4' switches between windowed mode and full screen, so if you screen is not fitting exactly (as often happens to me before I made the change that broke it for everyone else), just press F4. This could resolve the issue, even in the current 1.22.2.


So I picked this really embarrassing time to launch a "Patreon" page, to encourage ongoing support for the game from my many awesome and dedicated fans:

I know its been a rough time, both in game-development land and the real world, but please consider joining at the lowest level of $3 month. This gives access to my "what's in development" posts and other musings (several such posts are already available). If you are new to the game and want to collect license files (and even my old .pdf comic books), you can do that here too.

I have found that a little cash coming in really helps keep me motivated, especially during those frequent frustrating periods (like now!). Many thanks for everyone's patience and support, without which this ongoing game development would not be possible.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

I'm pleased to announce the release of Version 1.23. get it here: ... 3.rar/file
[2.2Gb compressed .rar file.]

Image 1


Goblins are a new combatant type. Two sets of Goblins can be loaded via the "Load Combatant sets" tab in the usual way. Include Goblins in your battles with the "Set Male Ratio" and "Set Male Type" buttons in the usual way.

Goblins have some specialized features. First, Goblin clothing comes in only two types: armored or unarmored. [Image 1 at "G".] Alternatively, Goblins may be "equipped by status." This means that the higher-ranking and initiative Goblins will have better weapons and equipment, and vice-versa for the lower status Goblins. Quick Start battles will automatically equip Goblins in this manner.

Second, Goblins are very violent and misogynistic. After killing a woman, a Goblin may become overcome by a "killing frenzy," in which he continues to stab at the recently-killed woman (with a perverse focus on her breasts and pelvis), or attacks other nearby women, all with increased aggressiveness and action points. (A Goblin in a killing frenzy is also at a defensive disadvantage. The killing frenzy will wear off over time, or if the battle starts to go against the Goblins.)

Finally, Goblins are sexually-aggressive, and more likely to enter into a "lust crazed" state than other males. Goblins have a pack mentality that makes them more likely to rape a previously-raped woman (other males prefer fresh targets), making a gang-rape frenzy of a hot woman a real possibility. Likewise, Goblins are not deterred from raping a woman by the amount of damage she has taken (other males are); rather, Goblins view an excess of gore as an additional excitement factor.

For these reasons, Goblins are the mortal enemies of the Amazons, and an Amazon-vs-Goblin campaign can be very entertaining.

The default tech setting is now the "star" [Image 1 at "H"]. With this setting, a combatant automatically has the tech level of the weapon she starts the battle with. So she needs to worry about a tech to-hit penalty only if she starts using a weapon from different era (the bigger the time difference, the larger the penalty).

Image 2

The Regular Campaign has only 9 zones and can end after only 4 battles, and often allows insufficient time and space for long-scale attrition and wound healing.

The Long Campaign (Image 2 at "D") fixes this with a 19-zone map, needing a 9-battle advantage to win. This is intended for the hard-core player who really enjoys following the history of individual women, as they gain experience and rank, suffer grievous wounds, heal, and return to the fight, and all to often perish along the way.

Image 3

It is now possible to have a mix of human and computer control for the Blue team. To make this happen:
A. Select "God Mode 1" (red dot) at the Intro Screen.
B. On your first turn, left click to select all combatants that you want to be human controlled (their color will change and a "human-controlled" legend will appear on the dossier picture). [Image 4 at "E"]
C. Press the space bar to resume normal play. [Image 4 at "F"] The computer-controlled blue combatants will move first, and then any human-controlled blue combatants can move.

Instead of just adjusting numbers of combatants, difficulty levels now more realistically adjust combatant morale and rank. [Image 3 at "B"] The result is to make a battle more difficult without simply overwhelming the player with enemy bodies.

Image 4

I've made some adjustments to allow wider distribution of the game, using Patreon as the payment mechanism and some watered-down sex and violence for posting to YouTube. Thus:

A. Demo Mode Restrictions. Because it is likely to be downloaded by a wider audience, the Demo mode now restricts XXX-rated content (both in-game sexploitation and XXX splash screen imagery). Such content can only be enabled by purchase of a license file.

B. New "Limited License" Version [Image 3 at "C".] This sub-license allows full access to all of the sex-and-violence, but limits overall game access. A chart showing the access allowed different versions of the game is below at Image 5.

C. XXX-Imagery button. A new button [Image 3 at "A"] automatically disables all XXX-rated splash screen imagery, unless turned on by the player. Likewise, all other XXX features (lust, etc.) are automatically disabled unless turned on by the player (which is not allowed in the Demo mode).

So if you have an existing license file and want to enable all the usual sex-and-violence, be sure to adjust the appropriate preference buttons at the top of the Intro Screen.

Image 5

Added several hundred new sound effects, including goblin vocals and lots of new human female vocals (clueless, rally, and lots of pain sounds).

Lots of small changes, too numerous to list. Among the better interface changes is at Team Builder, where combatant edit functions ("E") are now entirely separated from clothing edit functions ("Q").

Also, most buttons are now reversible... left click to go up, and right click to go down.

I do my best to kill all the bugs I can, especially any game-stoppers, so please let me know of any that you find. Post here or e-mail me at

A new video (10 minutes long) shows how to make pleasing custom combatant images, with rotating, cropping, and scaling of images all discussed in great detail. Get it here: ... s.wmv/file
[40Mb .wmv file]

All sales are now done through my Patreon site:

The "Limited License" can be obtained at the $6 level, and the full license at the $20 level. Other levels range from $3 (general support) to $120 for those who want the complete Bizarre Battles universe (including comic books).

Note that all Patreon membership is billed monthly, so if you just want one thing, you can join, download what you need, then downgrade your membership (if purchasing individual license files, you will have to message or e-mail me with what you want). Conversely, you can upgrade your membership within a calendar month and pay only the difference. So if you join at the $6 level, obtain the limited license and want to upgrade to the full license later, you can do so for the $14 difference (provide that both purchases are made within the same calendar month).

All members of the Patreon site (at any level) also have full access to my game development posts, which I try to make interesting and frequent.

My ongoing thanks to those of you who have stuck by the game during the lengthy and sometimes awkward development process. I do my best at all times, but the game is so large and complex that I often miss stuff, and sometimes I just get tired. So the ongoing input and financial support really helps keep me inspired when things get tough, and has certainly helped make Bizarre Battles a better game.
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »


I wanted to publicly thank my loyal patrons for your continued support. Really helps to keep me inspired when my creative energies run low.

Also, I've now got 30 game play videos posted at YouTube (see image above). None of these have any XXX content, and the topless vids are confined to an 18+ section, so they should be safe viewing. Check them out if you are interested in the game. Use the "Playlists" tab to focus on particular types of battles (women/women, women/men, women/goblins, etc.) ... PAg/videos
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Good news - Version 1.24 is now available! Get it here... ... 4.rar/file
[2.2Gb compressed .rar file]




Image 1 at "A". Resets all preferences on Intro Screen to default settings.

Image 1 at "B". This new game mode is currently available only for Quick Start Battle 1 (Strip Club) and 8 (Drug Wars Pool Massacre), but more will be added in time.

The Massacre mode adjusts starting locations and equipment so that the surprised defenders are more vulnerable and have fewer weapons available. In massacre mode, Battle 1 is a classic "strip club massacre" -- walk in and shoot all the strippers and customers. Battle 8 now plays much more like the "Magnum Force" pool party massacre, where everyone is in and around the pool, and vulnerable to getting shot.

Victory conditions are completely different. As the Attacker, your goal is to stop anyone from escaping the map (which the victims can do at a red "rally" star). If any escape, the best you can do is a draw. If more than 10% escape (rounded up) the battle is a loss. A counter at the bottom of the Battle Screen (Image 4 at "H") keeps track of how many victims have escaped. In this example, if 1 or 2 escape, the game is a draw. If 3 or more escape, the game is a loss.

You can also play as the surprised defenders/victims, in which case you win by having more than 10% of your women escape the map. It is interesting to experience a massacre from the side of the victims, watching helplessly as your women are brutally shot, while you try to help at least a few to escape.


This aspect of the game has been been totally re-done and is now much more realistic.

Every surprised woman needs 100 activation points to activate (and 50 points to become "wary," an intermediate status). Activation points are accrued based on what the woman sees and hears. The number of accrued activation points is indicated graphically above the woman's unit counter, and on her dossier image (Image 4 at "J").

Activation points accrue as you would expect - gunfire, getting shot, seeing friends get shot, seeing enemies walking around with guns, etc. What this means is that activation from a surprised state is NOT automatic but depends on how the Attackers behave. So the Attackers can engage in stealth, sneak around, recon, and select the best position before starting an attack. But watch those activation levels!

Image 2 at "G". This new option blends the previous "Line" and "Group" options, selecting randomly between the two for automatic weapon impacts.

However, attacks on more than one square automatically use a "Line" pattern, and attacks on multiple targets in a single square automatically use a "Group" pattern.


Image 3 at "C". My new YouTube channel features many women dressed in a bikini top in her dossier image (Image 5 at "L"). This is necessary to satisfy YouTube guidelines for general (non-18+) content.

Set 23 included all of these women, many of whom are extraordinarily attractive. You can include them in your battles as usual, but you can also select to have these women wear the same bikini featured in their dossier images (Image 5 at "L") by selecting the "Wear Bikinis" option (Image 3 at "D"). This is a hard-wired Assigned Uniform for these women only, which will override any other clothing selections.


I have reorganized all data to make it easier to transfer your in-progress campaigns, teams, favorites, etc., and transfer such data to a new version of the game rather than have to re-create this information with each new version. All of this information now lives in a dedicated "Campaign_Data" folder (Image 4 at "E" and "F").

Also, ALL LICENSE FILES MUST NOW BE PLACED INTO THE CAMPAIGN_DATA FOLDER, and NOT THE MAIN FOLDER. This is a change from before, when license files went into the main folder.

The idea here is that, in the future, you need simply copy this entire folder into a new version of the game. Any custom combatants will have to be copied over separately from the Combatant_Data folder.

Data for Favorites, Lucky, Blacklist, Assigned Uniforms, and Assigned Weapons, have now been separated out into separate data files (Image 4 at "F").

This re-design is to preserve such data from getting overwritten from a campaign reset (as was happening previously). You can clear this data with a new series of hotkeys: Blacklist (F3), Favorites (F5), Lucky (F6), Assigned Uniforms (F7), and Assigned Weapons (F8) within TeamBuilder.

I did a complete re-write of the way the game calculates threat adjustments based on sexual dynamics (this value appears in the "Hotness Adjust" or similar on the Threat detail page). The calculations are complex, and the reasoning is detailed at the bottom of this post for those wanting more detail.

Within a Battle, hotkey "Q" now resets all male combatants who have previously raped a woman, allowing them to rape again. :twisted:

- Fixed all known bugs.
- Added a ruffled white blouse as Top 26. This may appear in existing Quick Start battles where women wear blouses.
- Added a plaid tie top as Top 50. This makes the Twin Peaks girls appear as they should, and replaces the existing tops in Quick Start Battle 19.
- Added a new "On Your Knees" button in the Battle module. This option appears when scrolling over a surrendered enemy, and is similar to the existing "Down Bitch" button.
- When starting Battle 10 (Tribal War) and Battle 37 (Arena), added an option to add obstacles to the map. This is to stop these small maps from turning into a one-sided blood-bath when fire weapons are being used.
- Added chance of a "wardrobe malfunction" when a woman wearing a strapless dress is shot (her breasts may bounce free).
- Externalized the "grunting/thrusting" sound effect heard when a woman is being raped, to permit modding of same.
- Added a hotkey (Keypad '0') to automatically cycle through all combatants twice, once without the dossier and once with the dossier. This is the same effect you see at the end of my YouTube videos, and works only when the game is over.

My ongoing thanks to everyone for your loyal support through the years, and especially to my Patreon supporters who are actually going out-of-pocket to keep me inspired. I truly cannot thank you enough.

For purchase details, access to my game development blog, and general support, please visit my Patreon site:

For fun gameplay videos, please visit my YouTube page: ... PAg/videos

This section is for people who really want to dig deep into some the of my game design reasoning (and is the type of thing that I post at Patreon for paying members).

Because Bizarre Battles is built around the idea of hot women fighting and dying, the game includes hundreds of little touches to make the female combatants seem more like women, and not just a generic person with an attractive picture.

One area this manifests is determining threat values, which is the key factor in determining who the computer-controlled combatants will target. Naturally, when sexy women are involved there is bound to be a sexual component to how threatening men and women perceive each other to be. This dynamic is reflected in the "hotness adjust" element to threat values in the image above, where lone gunman Crazy Eyes is evaluating the threat posed by the various women around him, and that of Luna in particular. The game gives different weight to five different situations.

Women vs. Women. Where a friendly woman is evaluating the threat posed by an enemy woman, the hotness adjustment boils down to raw jealously between attractive women. Hot women are deemed a greater threat, and likewise women with larger breasts are viewed as more threatening by other women. So a hot women with large breasts will view a less hot woman with small breasts with disdain (resulting in a negative hotness modifier), while the reverse will be true (as the lower status woman views the hot, large-breasted woman as a greater threat). Thus, among women, hot women with large breasts are more threatening and thus more likely to be targeted.

Women vs. Men. Where a friendly woman is evaluating the threat posed by an enemy man, the woman's key concern (for this data element) is whether the man poses a serious risk of raping her. Thus, the higher the man's libido and/or lust score, the more the woman will tend to fear him (increasing this threat value). This value will decrease significantly if the man has already expended his sexual energy by raping another woman.


Men vs. Women (normal). This is complicated. Let's face it - most men are intimidated by hot women, and most of the women in the game are very hot. So the game should reflect that. To determine the extent (or not) of the man's intimidation, the game calculates a "status" value for the man, which is a function of all the obvious factors (initiative, stamina, libido, leadership, athleticism, rank, kills). The man also gets a bonus for his current lust score; as he becomes more horny, he also becomes less intimidated by hot women. This value is then compared to the woman's hotness value, with the woman getting a further bonus based on the size of her breasts. The result is that most men will have a status score less than the adjusted hotness score of most women, and the difference becomes the hotness threat adjustment. Some high status men will have a negative modifier for lower status women, who are viewed as less worthy of the man's attention .

Image 5 above is a good example. Crazy Eyes (initiative 9, stamina 12) is below average on the male status scale. However, Luna (hotness 98) is very high on the female status scale, and she gets a further bonus based on her large DD-cup breasts. Thus, Crazy Eyes is very intimidated by Luna, as her feminine attributes add a whopping 31 points to Luna's threat value as perceived by Crazy Eyes (Image 5 at "K"). Fortunately for Luna, she is also further away from Crazy Eyes (for now), but she will certainly have have Crazy Eyes' extra attention until such time as he gets around to shooting her.

Men vs. Women (expended). Once a man has expended his sexual energy by raping a woman, his perception of the threat posed by other women changes. Having satisfied his lust, he's much less intimidated by hot women and simply wants to kill them, naturally focusing on the hottest women. So women with above-average hotness scores (again with a breast size modifier) are deemed a greater threat and thus more likely to be targeted, but the intimidation is much less than before.

Men vs. Men. The extra intimidation (or not) that men feel from each other is a calculation of raw power. Using the same "male status" score as above, men compare their relative status. The higher status man does not fear lower status men (negative threat modifier), while lower-status men are afraid of higher-status men (positive threat modifier). This is a simplified version of the woman-vs-woman dynamic.
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by gsc666 »

Any new updates since 1.24? Where is best to follow since deadskirts is down?
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - New Version March 13

Post by Jason »

Good news – Bizarre Battles Version 1.25 is now available! Get it here: ... 5.rar/file
[2.3Gb compressed .rar file. Decompress to play.]


The biggest addition to Version 1.25 is the long-awaited prisoner interrogation module. The basic idea is this: Prisoners captured in a campaign battle have a certain number of “Intel Points,” generally based on their initiative, leadership, rank, and overall experience. You can use the various interrogation tools to “extract” these Intel Points from the prisoner. You can later spend the Intel Points to gain a temporary advantage in an upcoming battle (see below).
Here’s how it works:

First, start the Interrogation Module with the Interrogation button (first image at “A”) (or use hotkey “F10”). This will also update the menu bar to show key interrogation data.

Next, select a female enemy prisoner (first image at “B”). Right click to select her. (Alternatively, you can “practice” on any unassigned woman by scrolling over her and pressing “T.” Anything you do to her is simply for practice, and can be undone by pressing “T” again to de-select and reset her.)

Each woman will have a certain number of estimated Intel Points (first image at “C”). This estimate can be off by as much as 20% in either direction.
In order to gather Intel Points, you must use the various tools to break both (a) her morale and (b) her resistance (these variables often track, but not always). Morale is indicated via her expression (as in a battle), and her resistance is indicated by a small “smiley face” icon at top (first image at “D”).

To make this module more challenging, you only have a limited amount of time/resources, indicated by the large yellow “clock” (first image at “D”). This is the limit for all interrogation between a battle. You can focus your efforts on one woman, or split up between more than one woman. To reset the time, you need to fight another battle.
Each interrogation action has an estimated time required. Scroll over the button, and the time estimate is shown beside the clock/below the resistance icon (first image at “D”). (The function of the button will also appear in the menu bar at bottom, not shown here).

You can now start interrogating the prisoner, using the various buttons (first image at “E”). Some of the buttons also reveal sub-buttons (weapons locker, sexual assault, and clothing removal). (All buttons are accompanied a “question” dialogue, and most will result in some sort of “answer” from the prisoner. (While this dialogue is being displayed, you will not be able to press more buttons.) The “answer” will also give you a good sense of how you are doing on breaking the prisoner.

Most of the buttons are “one shots” that have to be repeated to get additional results. But the buttons at upper left (near the clock) are “persistent” and will result in additional effects over time. Note that the “gag” and “blindfold” graphics are temporary and will be replaced at a later date (my rendering program is not working at present).

If you want to simply wait and let these persistent buttons have a greater effect, then use the “wait” button (first image at “F”). This will run 10 time points off the clock and you may see a deterioration of the prisoner’s condition. (You can also switch women, and come back to the gagged/blindfolded woman later for similar effects).

Finally, you can attack the prisoner using a variety of weapons (first image at “G”). (Note that for all weapons except the fist, you first have to open the “weapons locker” button). Weapons work like a simplified version of Battle – left click to select the weapon, and right click to attack the prisoner.

There are four “selection levels” for each weapon. The normal level (shown for most weapons here) is “unselected.” Above that, a yellow box indicates “threaten,” an orange box indicates “use for non-lethal attack,” and a red box indicates “use for a lethal attack.”

There are also two ways to attack (via a right click). If you right click on the actual weapon button, you will attack a previously-designated precision targeting location. However, if you scroll over the woman and right click, you will attack the area that you have selected.

If you have knocked a prisoner unconscious, a new “revive” button will appear. The worse her condition, the more time points will be required to revive her.

As you might expect, younger/weaker prisoners have fewer Intel Points, and older/stronger prisoners have more. This can make it a challenge to decide how to spend your limited interrogation time.


Finally, there is no obligation that you engage in interrogation to gain Intel Points. If you spend no interrogation time points, then the game will “auto-interrogate” up to three enemy prisoners and report the results (see second image at “H” – and addition of new page “I”). (The game will also do this to any of your prisoners held by the enemy.) You will probably get better results with manual interrogation than auto-interrogation, but this remains an option for those who want faster results.


When you start a new Campaign battle (only), and have at least 25 Intel Points accumulated, you will be prompted to spend (or not) your Intel Points (third image). The game will net Intel Points you spend against Intel Points spent by the enemy to determine who (if anyone) has an intelligence advantage in the battle (minimum 25 net points for any effect). The minimum you can spend is 25 points. There is no maximum, but any points over 100 will simply offset enemy expenditures.

The consequence of “losing” this intelligence war is that the losing side is deemed to have “walked into an ambush.” So long as the ambush effects are in place, the losing side is unaware of (and will not react to) enemy forces. The computer AI will even take over your own forces (so you will have no control) until the ambush is resolved.

The ambush effects last until (1) the ambushed side has made a certain number of moves, or (2) until the ambushed side becomes aware of the enemy presence. The number of moves is dependent upon the size of the Intel Point advantage and the size of the map. Awareness of the enemy is dependent upon being able to see the enemy and (of course) attacks made. Each combatant on the ambushed side has a tracking bar so that you can see how alert they are.

“Atrocities” are particularly brutal acts inflicted on generally-helpless enemies. The game now tracks the accumulation of “atrocity points” inflicted by either side (in battle or in interrogation) (first image at “A,” and other places too).

The effect is to increase enemy morale in a battle (if your side is brutal, the enemy is less likely to surrender), but to decrease enemy morale/resistance among prisoners (omg they are going to kill/rape me!).


You can now assign a “personality profile” to custom clothing (image 4). This will ensure that any woman who has been assigned a custom outfit gets an appropriate personality (this was missing from the game).

The menu will be prompted after you save the custom outfit (so either reload an existing outfit or start over). Alternatively, you can edit the data file for each custom outfit. The last data element in the file is the personality profile – edit with NotePad and save.


Wound healing is now totally different. Previously, the game assigned a “wounded” score based on the aggregate of all wounds. Now, each wound is tracked separately and will heal separately (though the game still presents a time estimate for full healing of all wounds).

Wound healing rates are dependent upon several variables, among them stamina, the number of serious wounds healing simultaneously, and prisoner status (prisoners heal more slowly).

- ADDED chance that a space babe leotard will reveal breasts when impacted.
- ADDED three new combatant sets (Czech Legion sets 2, 3, 4)
- ADDED hotkeys F9/F10/F11 for TeamBuilder module (Exchange, Interrogation, Summary).
- ADJUSTED blood splatter graphics to minimize memory impact (this is a work in progress and will be upgraded).
- DELETED TeamBuilder option to force wounded woman into active duty status (lightly-wounded women may activate automatically as needed).
- DISABLED the "permanent disability" possibility for serious wounds (to be replaced by critical hits at a later date)
- ADJUSTED amount of shock needed to induce unconsciousness, by adding modifier for athleticism.
- INCREASED morale impact of death or incapacitation of leaders and higher-ranking troops.
- ADJUSTED default setting of unassigned combatants to unarmed.

Version 1.25 adds several new systems. I’ve done my best to test them, but there may be some bugs. Also, new game systems always require “balancing” to get the feel right. This just takes a lot of playing the game to determine what seems like a good balance. I look forward to your reports.

Also, as noted, there are some temporary features in Version 1.25. The gag, blindfold, and blood splatter graphics will all be updated soon. Also, the interrogation poses (especially the down/dead) pose will be upgraded eventually when I do the big graphics re-write.

Finally, due to lack of time, there are some known bugs that I will get to as I can (such as close-range shots against down targets having a high miss rate).
I expect to either patch Version 1.25 or release a new version much more quickly than it took to get this version out.

I was hoping that all of the data in the “Campaign_Data” folder could be transferred as a unit, but I did make some changes to the wound and campaign files (so the campaign and campaign_wound files will not be compatible). However, all of the other files (which includes teams, favorites, etc.) will transfer cleanly to the new version.

Here's my Patreon page, with detailed information about the game, tutorial videos, and purchase info:

See gameplay videos here: ... subscriber
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Good news -- Version 1.25.1 Now Available! Version 1.25.1 features important bug fixes, and also enhances a few features. If you have already downloaded Version 1.25, then all you need to download is the patch: ... h.rar/file

Decompress the .rar file, and copy the four 1.25.1 .exe files into your main Bizarre Battles directory. The similarly-named 1.25 files are no longer needed and should be deleted.

If you have not yet downloaded Version 1.25, then download this complete-game file instead (decompress the .rar file and run one of the .exe files to play as usual): ... 1.rar/file



- FIXED target release bug ('backspace' key now releases target, as does a right click on an empty square)

- FIXED close-range down target miss bug

- FIXED bug re calculation and display of ambush timer. Ambushes will now properly calculate the length of the ambush, and display the countdown timer.

- FIXED wound healing and recovery marker bugs

- FIXED interrogation "attacking right arm" bug

- FIXED precision targeting select bug (eliminating forgotten "test messages")

- FIXED "type change button" bug (which used to crash the game).

- FIXED file-loading leak in Team Builder (unnecessary file loading was slowing the module).

- FIXED Campaign Battle map image save (now saves proper battle map image instead of "ghosted" image)


- ENHANCED blood splatter and wound bleeding graphics. Blood splatters are now MUCH better than the place-holder graphics for Version 1.25. Included also are silicon-splatters for perforated breast implants, occasional breast goo splatters for impacts to large breasts, and brain splatter for forehead penetrations. Wounds will also display increasing bleeding over time.

- ADDED estimated Intel Points indicator to Team Builder unit counters. These are the purple numbers in the image above.

- ADJUSTED image selection logic to better focus on targeted woman.

- ADJUSTED action points of activated combatants to reflect extent of activation.

- ADDED Interrogation Timer reset cheat (left click on the timer box to reset to 100 time points).

- ENHANCED enemy surrender cheat ('S' when scrolling over an enemy) to upgrade graphics.

- ADDED atrocity level reduction over time. The rate of reduction depends on the victory conditions set by the player - the atrocity level decays most slowly for "surrender" victory condition, and most rapidly for the "atrocity" victory condition.

I really appreciate the several reports that I have received, so if further things catch your eye please let me know. Thanks for your patience and Enjoy!
Posts: 114
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What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »


Good news – the Version 1.25.2 update is now available. This patch contains many important bug fixes and refinements that you will want to have.

For details, please visit my Patreon page at
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What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »


Once more into the breach... the Version 1.25.3 update is now available. This patch concerns a few bug fixes and refinements, the most important being fixing the disabled clothing removal/adjustment buttons.

Download here at my Patreon page:

My thanks for your patience as I try to make Bizarre Battles a better game.
Irish Red
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Irish Red »

Tough going there for a while. NO TITTIES ?!?!?
Thanks bro.
Yeah, I'm still an avid fan of the game!
Posts: 114
Joined: Thu Nov 25, 2010 2:04 pm
What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Good news - Version 1.30 is now available via my Patreon site.

However, to reward my loyal Patrons who have stuck with me and provided ongoing support, the new version is early-access (Patron-only) until September 17, 2021, at which time it becomes available to everyone.

Version 1.30 focuses on the new Command & Control module, which adds a lot of depth to campaign games.
Irish Red wrote: Fri Apr 16, 2021 4:19 pm Yeah, I'm still an avid fan of the game!
Irish Red
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Irish Red »

Hey Jason,
I've been playing 1.30 for the last few days and found some stuff.

Female body no longer "shakes" when getting raped in the battlefield. Be she dead or alive matters not.

I do like the invisible male body when doing interrogation rape/snuff. :approve:

How tf do I turn off the "flee from battle". I just shot her in both kneecaps and the navel. Then she panicked. She is NOT going to flee or get away. She's going to piss and pass out!

Not sure if the new stat thing (menu) is good or bad. Hasn't had any effect on the campaign yet.

Still 10/10 rating. :clap: :clap: :clap:
Posts: 114
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What is your main fetish?: Fantasy shootings of attractive young women. Enjoy battles and massacres in equal measure.
Why do you want to join this forum?: Want to share this fantasy with like-minded people.
Referral: Been an active member of this community since the beginning.

Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Jason »

Hi Irish - thanks for the comments. Glad you are enjoying the game!
Irish Red wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:07 pm Female body no longer "shakes" when getting raped in the battlefield. Be she dead or alive matters not.
Thanks - I think I've already got this fixed for the next version (1.31).
Irish Red wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:07 pm How tf do I turn off the "flee from battle". I just shot her in both kneecaps and the navel. Then she panicked. She is NOT going to flee or get away. She's going to piss and pass out!
So did she flee in the middle of a battle (by getting to a rally point and disappearing), or did she escape post-game "in the post-battle confusion?" I will look at some adjustments here but I need to know what to adjust.
Irish Red wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:07 pm Not sure if the new stat thing (menu) is good or bad. Hasn't had any effect on the campaign yet.
Still 10/10 rating. :clap: :clap: :clap:
It takes a little getting used to, but I think is a fun addition if you want a deeper campaign. Version 1.31 will have an option to (mostly) disable this and allow playing as before.
Irish Red
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by Irish Red »

Jason wrote: Wed Sep 22, 2021 8:23 pm
Irish Red wrote: Tue Sep 21, 2021 5:07 pm How tf do I turn off the "flee from battle". I just shot her in both kneecaps and the navel. Then she panicked. She is NOT going to flee or get away. She's going to piss and pass out!
So did she flee in the middle of a battle (by getting to a rally point and disappearing), or did she escape post-game "in the post-battle confusion?" I will look at some adjustments here but I need to know what to adjust.
It was the post battle confusion.
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Re: Bizarre Battles computer game - Update October 28

Post by chton »

Has Jason posted links to his latest version anywhere other than his patreon?
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