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Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 8:39 pm
by Bluestone

The Genre Videos site was open briefly today while our software people were re-starting the database. Sorry for the brief false hope that it was back up on schedule. It looks like there are still some more maintenance to be done on the new platform. So, the grand re-opening is now scheduled for Friday, so that producers can still update their stores for their Friday releases!

We'll announce here when the site is back up and error-free!


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:41 pm
by markmarr
Do I understand that I cannot use my traditional method of purchasing anymore but must use bitcon? I am not happy

Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 11:25 pm
by Bluestone
markmarr wrote:Do I understand that I cannot use my traditional method of purchasing anymore but must use bitcon? I am not happy
Depends what your traditional method of payment was. GV still accepts funding by money orders. Bitcoin, however, is the future of our community. It's anonymous, untraceable, and not controlled by the dictatorial censors. Try it. You'll like it.


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:56 am
by Bluestone

We are still working on several errors that have occurred during the conversion to our new Bitcoin payment system. The BitPay testing site has been down for a few days, adding to our frustrations and an additional delay.

We'll let everyone know when the Genre Videos video mall will re-open.

We appreciate your patience.


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:49 am
by Bluestone

The BitPay testing site is finally back up, so we are testing the new BitCoin payment module and correcting any errors found. We are behind schedule, but now should be able to finalize our work and get the site back up Tuesday or Wednesday. Thanks for hanging in there, and I hope that everyone is getting set up with their BitCoin wallets and linking their bank accounts in the meantime. Since there is a few days' delay in some exchanges between putting in a bitcoin purchase order and having it completed, it would be a good idea to fund your bitcoin wallets now. Then, you will be all ready to buy as soon as Genre Videos re-opens.

I hope everyone's as excited as I am about the bright future of censor-free funding!


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 12:29 pm
by Algenon5
Sorry, Blue, I am not excited about BitCoin.


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 7:52 pm
by Bluestone
Algenon5 wrote:Sorry, Blue, I am not excited about BitCoin.

Come on, Al. Put on a happy face. :D

It's coming whether we like it or not, and I've been around long enough to remember a time before credit cards. "I don't trust this piece of plastic. I bet it'll never catch on." :shake: Guess what? It did. Same thing with the Internet. "What possible use can this Interweb thing be? It'll be dead within a year." Well, not quite. The very same will happen with BitCoin. Soon, you won't remember how you got along without it. :excited:


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:32 pm
by Algenon5
I'm in no way adverse to innovation. and do my best to keep abreast of new technologies, sometimes because they can be useful, but mostly just for fun. And I see no reason to stop just because I passed 82 in January.

So you can call me an old fart, which I am, but I'm not ecstatic about directly linking my bank account to an unknown agency so I can buy "currency" the value of which can change in the blink of an eye. I'm not alone. Many main-stream retailers that dropped BitCoin acceptance about a year ago still are sitting on the sidelines.

Personally, as for anonymity, meh.


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:32 am
by Bluestone
Algenon5 wrote:I'm in no way adverse to innovation. and do my best to keep abreast of new technologies, sometimes because they can be useful, but mostly just for fun... but I'm not ecstatic about directly linking my bank account to an unknown agency so I can buy "currency" the value of which can change in the blink of an eye. I'm not alone. Many main-stream retailers that dropped BitCoin acceptance about a year ago still are sitting on the sidelines.
Hi Al,

I know that you personally embrace innovation as do I, but I remember wondering what use this Internet thing would be when it was first introduced. I remember sitting in front of my computer screen watching an image download line by line. That was my first impression of that medium, but of course that was before graphics became as common as text on-line, once they solved the bandwidth problem.

As for linking your bank account to a Bitcoin exchange, these are not unknown entities any more than your bank is an unknown entity. Coinbase, which is our suggested exchange, is one of the world’s most popular bitcoin wallets touting an impressive 2.1 million users since its recent inception in June, 2012. It operates exchanges between bitcoin and fiat currencies in 32 countries, and bitcoin transactions and storage in 190 countries worldwide. Linking your bank account to Coinbase would be no more of a concern than linking your bank account to Paypal. Since you only have to link one bank account, if people are concerned, simply open up a separate account for your Bitcoin transactions. My bank allows me to open up separate accounts on-line and I live in that backwater country known as Canada. :lol2:

As for bitcoin values changing in the blink of an eye, that is a little bit of an exaggeration. All currencies fluctuate, but you'd have to have a very major fluctuation to affect the average video funding amount of about $25. After all, we're not asking anyone to invest substantial funds into bitcoin, or even to hold it longer than it takes to deposit it into their GV account at which time it is held in U.S. currency.

So, the risk, if any, is minimal. In fact, a fluctuation may actually increase the value of your funds. Currency fluctuations go both ways, after all. :D


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 7:41 am
by rayman
I am also non plussed about bitcoins but I guess I will be dragged kicking and screaming into the next phase.

Just wish GV was back up so I could buy the latest release but in the meantime I will check out Coinbase.

Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 9:20 am
by Algenon5
BitCoin will never replace credit cards. Reason one is the word "credit." BitCoin requires you to tie up funds in advance of purchases. Reason two is BitCoin has zero protection against fraud or when a vendor doesn't live up to its obligations. My credit card and even my debit card plus provide full protection against these marketplace realities. So except when you have absolute faith in the product or service vendor, you cannot say the risk is minimal.

As for international purchases, which I make occasionally, there never has been a problem with the acceptance of an American bank card, and I always know in advance what transaction fee (usually fractions of a cent on the dollar) will apply.

Blue, assuming your faith in the security of the bank to exchange link if fully justified -- and I have no reason to believe it isn't -- BitCoin still requires the consumer to jump through one more hoop just to spend his or her cash. I will use BitCoin if and when it becomes absolutely necessary, which I don't expect will happen anytime soon.

Ornery Al

Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:07 am
by Bluestone
Algenon5 wrote:BitCoin will never replace credit cards. Reason one is the word "credit." BitCoin requires you to tie up funds in advance of purchases. Reason two is BitCoin has zero protection against fraud or when a vendor doesn't live up to its obligations. My credit card and even my debit card plus provide full protection against these marketplace realities. So except when you have absolute faith in the product or service vendor, you cannot say the risk is minimal.

As for international purchases, which I make occasionally, there never has been a problem with the acceptance of an American bank card, and I always know in advance what transaction fee (usually fractions of a cent on the dollar) will apply.

Blue, assuming your faith in the security of the bank to exchange link if fully justified -- and I have no reason to believe it isn't -- BitCoin still requires the consumer to jump through one more hoop just to spend his or her cash. I will use BitCoin if and when it becomes absolutely necessary, which I don't expect will happen anytime soon.

Ornery Al
Thanks for encouraging this discussion, Al, because we always appreciate input from fans and customers on any and all community matters. It's strange, because I once thought that debit cards, that were first tested out in the Great White North, would never catch on. I mean, why pull money out of your account, as opposed to using a credit card to spread payments out over up to 30 days without having to even pay interest. Well, I was wrong again about how the future unfolded, because debit cards were never meant to replace credit cards, just to offer another payment solution. Bitcoin is no different. It will not replace credit cards in the general marketplace, but it will replace credit cards in our community sooner or later, because credit cards simply will soon not be an option for our sites. There are already numerous producers who know that full well. We're going to lose many more producers as the credit card companies crack down on our sites. Genre Videos plans to be a survivor, and Bitcoin is the only payment processing system out there that will not censor our material.

I do agree that you have to have faith in the merchant. I stand behind Genre Videos 100%. No one will lose any money dealing with Genre Videos... not customers... not producers. You have my word on that. If that's not good enough, then there's no more that I can do to support our community with this initiative. My word has always been my bond, and I have a proven track record of over a decade in this business.

You may think that you won't have to ever set up a Bitcoin wallet and jump through that hoop, but my experience in this industry tells me one thing loud and clear. Our community is on the verge of losing all of our best producers. If the pirates don't slay them, the credit card companies and PayPal will. It's not years away... or even months. It's happening now, and if we don't all do something to alter our course, we'll all be going back to watching every mainstream and B movie that we can to glean even a glimpse of a female death scene to get our crank turning. It's coming folks. Soon, your credit cards won't be accepted at any community sites. It's just a matter of time... and time is running out...

Just-as-Ornery Blue

Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 11:34 am
by JohnM
What he said.


Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 4:27 pm
by elsullo
I will never use Bitcoin. I will never invest in artificial "virtual" money of variable worth. I will never advance any of my own funds without ANY protection of its value or for failure of service.

Funny, a few years ago I banked fifteen bucks in a Native American internet casino so that I could play live internet poker. The funds were guaranteed by an unimpeachable authority, the honor of an association of Tribes. So, the US government outlawed internet gambling and the casino folded. All banked funds were simply "lost." Poof!

I predict: North Korea will hire Kim Dotcom to hack Bitcoin and steal ALL the funds, in exchange for rescue and luxurious asylum. He will betray them to keep the money for himself, and North Korea will nuke his location in irrational fury. This will start a limited nuclear war between at least four nations. In any case the entire internet will be destroyed for at least several years, and all internet funds of all kinds will vaporize. Mark my words..................elsullo :pc:

Re: Genre Videos moves to BitCoin! (Everyone please read)!

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:12 pm
by kathy58
gotta love the bitcoin tech...with credit card make the transaction and bingo ready to we go back to waiting a few days inorder to have an account funded.... very impressive