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When are the producers going to do 3D movies?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 9:55 pm
by jubbaduffa
I noticed that a lot of porn producers have started with experimenting with red/green glasses 3D for their movies and made me wonder if and when the Erotic Horror community will start making 3D movies? Since I Love Belly Button stabbings I can imagine a PoV 3D movie of someone stabbing a girl in her navel..

Re: When are the producers going to do 3D movies?

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:41 pm
by Roy
Really!? :roll: :roll:
I mean REALLY!? :eek: :eek:
Starting about 5 years ago the main stream media and electronic giants tried awful hard to bring in 3D content and programing to the masses.
Over all the public voted with their wallets and didn't buy it.
I guess it would be nice to see it, but for some producers, the technology is now is so much less expensive now (HD cameras and computer software) almost anyone now can afford to be a producer (well if they really want to be) in this business. Since, the technical costs maybe cheap. STILL the most important ingredients in a death fetish video are still is: Good looking talent and direction. For now there seems to be a lot of new producers coming out of the woodwork with a nice camera & computer in one hand a pretty face in the other and some Kensington gore (that's fake blood BTW) and they think they're in business. So in the mean time I hope most of the brand new producers and "soon to be'rs" again should know that the most valuable parts of putting a video together is having good looking talent in front of the camera as well as well talented person behind the camera.
Sorry I seem to have repeated myself, what I am trying to say in a nutshell;
It seems like some producers are quick to use the new less expensive technology of Blue/Green screens, HD cameras and software before first to getting a good story, talent and direction.
Don't get me wrong, I love the new HD video releases and great effects, but please make sure your human talent is caught up with the technology. On the top of my head I can only think of a few producers (John M, Blues' UK group, Olaf and formally, KHP & Dr Don) who are (or were) the cream of the crop when it comes to using technical achievement to enhance their work.
So in the mean time, as a occasional buyer, I would always first buy a video that is well acted and directed. 3D would be nice, but lets have producers first work on having talented, nice looking women actors and direction first.
And BTW, I will always take "Double D" over "3D" any day! :yes: :yes:

Re: When are the producers going to do 3D movies?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 12:27 am
by Cowgirlfan
I pretty much agree with Roy. Spend the money on talent. :yes:

Re: When are the producers going to do 3D movies?

Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2014 6:34 am
by xj900uk
Please don't devote limited time & resources to 3D. A lot of people, like my good self, physically can't see them.

Re: When are the producers going to do 3D movies?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:49 am
by smudger
The simple answer is surely that, as ever, this won't happen unless the additional costs are more than matched by additional revenue. I wouldn't pay more for a 3D production, and I suspect I may be in the majority?

Having said that, when we compare the present largescreen HD productions to what was being served up only 10 years ago.....

Re: When are the producers going to do 3D movies?

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 12:07 pm
by tommygun
Boy, Smudge, isn't that right....! Just looking at any of the older clips done in non-HD, 3:4 reminds one how far the quality has progressed. But, as Roy says, the real challenge is getting the actresses and direction right. As for the story, it seems that most people don't want a huge amount of preliminary material in the clips, just enough to set up a reasonable premise.