Does Special Effects Enhance Your Enjoyment of Videos?

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Re: Does Special Effects Enhance Your Enjoyment of Videos?

Post by CapgunChuck »

Adding my input a little late in the thread, I'm replying to Blue's original question without haven't yet read the comments above.

What makes my fantasy more enjoyable or real is the primarily the quality of the filmmaking. Anything that draws me into the scene is what works for me. For example, I can equally enjoy a video with prop knives as one that utilizes F/X if it's filmed well and if has an actress who turns me on reacts the way I enjoy seeing them react. For example, "Judge, Jury, and Executioner" with Meredith is one of my old favorites. However, overall, I do prefer videos with F/X when integrated with quality filmmaking. I don't feel F/X have yet reached the point of being overdone in this genre.

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Re: Does Special Effects Enhance Your Enjoyment of Videos?

Post by JohnM »

However, I wonder sometimes if effects make a difference in overall sales of a product.

This week, I released a movie shot entirely on green screen. It sold well as movies go, but the additional hours to edit and releasing it in HD, did not pay off. It sold no more then a movie I could have shot in standard definition against a gray wall. It's a bitter pill to swallow because of the post work involved.

In the same vein, I get kudos when I release a full-effect shooting, but just the same, I see a no-effect shooting from other producers sell just as well. So, I have to wonder, was the hours of rotoscoping and composite work worth it, would it have done the same using the "bang your dead" approach.

A while back, I did a suspended electrocution reminiscent of the scene from Lethal Weapon, but with a hot girl instead of Mel. It had full effects and I received many, many compliments. But, I look back at comparative electrocutions--some with the same girl, and see that sales were 10-fold without effects.

So, I just have to wonder. I don't really wonder --is is just that I have to do it for the sake of the product. The extra work is needed to make me feel good about what I make. But, one thing is clear to me.....effects are way, way, way down the list when customers make a purchase decision---er, at least, those are what the numbers are showing me.

Probably the crappy economy and of course the pirates. Shame on them both. At least the economy will get better. The pirates, on the other hand.....well, you know. At least there is Karma.


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Re: Does Special Effects Enhance Your Enjoyment of Videos?

Post by smudger »

Ultimately what sells the clip to me is not what tech wizardry is involved but what the stills show the clip is going to be like; then, other things being equal, the quality of production certainly comes into it too. So a lower res one which has what I want to see will beat a HQ one which doesn't have it.

I think people will be more inclined to buy with the better quality presentation; but you also have to make sure its got the right content. Thats why its misleading to say you tried spending more time on the clip but that didn't translate to more sales; maybe it would have sold less without the extra work; so to judge results on one clip is premature.
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What is your main fetish?: My personal fetish is 'bellybutts', the idea of a woman who for her own pleasure, to sate her own lust and fetish, wants to be stabbed or shot in her belly, ideally during sex. She begs for it incessantly, encourages it to happen and then when the moment finally comes, enjoys it thoroughly and begs for more.
Why do you want to join this forum?: My interest in this community has less to do with my personal fetish than it does professionally from a community building standpoint.
Referral: I have no recollection. I've been around pretty much since it's inception.

Re: Does Special Effects Enhance Your Enjoyment of Videos?

Post by Peter »

I agree with Paul, bad effects are much worse than no effects at all. The key is suspension of disbelief. Good effects help the viewer to immerse themselves in the scene and be able to believe the scene, at least while they are watching it. Bad effects reveal the scene to be fake and take the viewer 'out' of the immersion. Better to have no effects and rely solely on acting and editing if one cannot do 'good' effects.

In my own work, the times I invested in doing good effects, it did not change the sales one tiny bit (my effects were 'good' effects). All of my biggest sellers and highest rated videos had no digital effects at all. I quickly came to the conclusion that the only reason for me to do effects was if I 'felt' like doing effects for my own artistic satisfaction, not because I would be rewarded for the extra work with extra sales.

That said, I am quite certain that Paul would not have the sales he does if he did not do effects. His effects are a major selling point for his videos. His customers expect to see the effects and there would be a huge outcry, and probably a major drop in his sales, if he stopped doing them.
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Re: Does Special Effects Enhance Your Enjoyment of Videos?

Post by random »

Paul-KHP wrote:My aim has always been to do highly erotic horror but do it with the edge of having real looking action. I know a number of my clips on youtube got comments that it didn't look fake, it looked like some one really was killed. One even suggested they needed to call the authorities to report a murder. Until the girl in the video responded that she was alive. Even then, come doubted it was her responding and maybe the killer.
There is a sure-fire solution to convince YouTube viewers your clips are not "real"; have your extremely talented actresses get up, smile and with a sexy laugh say something like "That was fun! Let's do it again.".

Viewers would know they watched some great effects and that the participants really enjoyed the experience.

Keep up the great work, Paul!
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